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Tema: vegansanctuary blog

  1. #1
    Cuestión de fondo Avatar de Snickers
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    En la capi

    vegansanctuary blog

    a bloguide to compassionate living
    Ni toda la oscuridad del mundo podrá acabar con la luz de una sola vela

    Los motivos para ser vegan@:

  2. #2
    Cuestión de fondo Avatar de Snickers
    Fecha de ingreso
    En la capi
    Ni toda la oscuridad del mundo podrá acabar con la luz de una sola vela

    Los motivos para ser vegan@:

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Cuestión de fondo Avatar de Snickers
    Fecha de ingreso
    En la capi
    The Faces of "Free-Range" Farming
    Ni toda la oscuridad del mundo podrá acabar con la luz de una sola vela

    Los motivos para ser vegan@:

  5. #5
    Cuestión de fondo Avatar de Snickers
    Fecha de ingreso
    En la capi

    Welcome to Farm Kind!
    Farm Kind was founded to be a place where everyone can come to learn about issues concerning our food, how it is produced, and the many complex connections it has to our world and our lives.

    Who and what is Farm Kind? Farm Kind was founded by myself, Harold Brown. Some folks call me Farmer Brown. I was born on a family farm and spent half of my life in agriculture. This includes three years working in the dairy industry. Growing up a farm kid gave me a rich experience that few people have the benefit of knowing these days. It taught me the value of community, of hard work, and that our personal choices have everything to do with the world we create.
    This website is intended to be a resource for farmers who want to make the transition from animal based to plant based agriculture, for consumers to learn a different perspective on how food is produced, to help those who desire to reconnect with the land and become farmers, to support local food production, environmental and social justice issues, the rights of all living beings to be co-cohabitants of this planet, and how these things have everything to do with creating the peaceful world that all beings desire.
    Does this website hold all of the answers? Not at all, but we all need to start some place and like the old saying goes, the longest journey begins with a single step.
    Like anything worthwhile, learning new information or a different perspective is hard work and can really challenge us emotionally, intellectually, and even spiritually. I kind of think about it like digging a ditch or postholes. At the beginning of the day I would dread the prospect of the toil but once I started I found a rhythm, a flow to the work. It went from being drudgery to being a type of moving meditation where I was able to contemplate many things and learn how to most efficiently use my body. It started with a single movement and led to a sense of inner peace.
    Join me on this journey, this work in progress, and see where it takes us.


    Farmer Brown

    Friendly Links
    On this page you will find some useful links to people and organizations that can help you on your journey.
    Tribe of Heart
    Maple Farm Sanctuary
    Howard Lyman the Mad Cowboy
    Peaceful Prairie Farm Animal Sanctuary
    Animal Liberation Victoria
    Vegan Organic Network
    Will Tuttle, PhD author of the World Peace Diet
    Responsible Policies for Animals
    Culture and Animals
    Humane Myth
    Ni toda la oscuridad del mundo podrá acabar con la luz de una sola vela

    Los motivos para ser vegan@:

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