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Tema: I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings, but I am not a vegetarian.

  1. #1

    I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings, but I am not a vegetarian.

    "I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings, but I am not a vegetarian.

    Imagine that there is a term that some people have created for themselves to refer to their practice of not beating children on Mondays. Pretend such people call themselves "Xers". Am I an Xer?

    Well, I refuse to beat children ever, under any circumstances. And so, of course, I do not beat children on Mondays. In a sense, I suppose I meet the description of an Xer. But I'm not an Xer. I'd never say "I'm an Xer." And if someone said "Hey, you're an Xer," I wouldn't say "well, yes, I am an Xer, but I also don't beat children on Tuesday-Sunday." Instead, I'd say "Heck no, I'm not an Xer. I've got nothing in common with Xers. Their reasons for not beating children on Mondays have nothing at all to do with my reasons for never beating children. So although I don't beat children on Mondays, I am not an Xer."

    The term "vegetarian" was created to pick out the practice of not eating animal flesh. Am I a vegetarian?

    Well, I refuse to use sentient beings as mere things. And, so, of course, I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings. In a sense, I suppose I meet the description of a vegetarian. But I am not a vegetarian. I would never say "I'm a vegetarian". And if someone said "Hey, you're a vegetarian", I wouldn't say "well, yes, I am a vegetarian, but I also don't use honey, or dairy, or eggs, etc." Instead, I'd say "Heck no, I'm not a vegetarian. I've got nothing in common with vegetarians. Their reasons for not eating the flesh of sentient beings have nothing at all to do with my reasons for never using sentient beings, period. So although I don't eat the flesh of sentient beings, I am not a vegetarian."

    I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings, but I am not a vegetarian. I am a vegan. Period."

    David Langlois

  2. #2
    August Rush
    but is not the same to be a "vegetarian" than a "xer"...
    even if the ovo/lacto vegetarians eat eggs or honey or milk... they don't eat a dead animal... and they don't take it's body and then eat it to keep living.. they don't have blood into his/her stomach
    Is different to be an omnivorous and a vegetarian (even if they eat honey, eggs or honey) and I think it's possible pretend everybody could be a vegetarian, but it's impossible to pretend that everybody became in a vegan, is not?

  3. #3
    hau...hau... Avatar de perman
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    behind the buffalos...
    Its not a matter of not killing any living thing at all!! that's impossible!! It all about trying not to cause pain and unnecessary suffer to the most!!

    "One does not sell the land people walk on."

  4. #4
    Animal humano Avatar de veganauta
    Fecha de ingreso
    Cita Iniciado por veganfreak Ver mensaje
    "I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings, but I am not a vegetarian.

    Imagine that there is a term that some people have created for themselves to refer to their practice of not beating children on Mondays. Pretend such people call themselves "Xers". Am I an Xer?

    Well, I refuse to beat children ever, under any circumstances. And so, of course, I do not beat children on Mondays. In a sense, I suppose I meet the description of an Xer. But I'm not an Xer. I'd never say "I'm an Xer." And if someone said "Hey, you're an Xer," I wouldn't say "well, yes, I am an Xer, but I also don't beat children on Tuesday-Sunday." Instead, I'd say "Heck no, I'm not an Xer. I've got nothing in common with Xers. Their reasons for not beating children on Mondays have nothing at all to do with my reasons for never beating children. So although I don't beat children on Mondays, I am not an Xer."

    The term "vegetarian" was created to pick out the practice of not eating animal flesh. Am I a vegetarian?

    Well, I refuse to use sentient beings as mere things. And, so, of course, I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings. In a sense, I suppose I meet the description of a vegetarian. But I am not a vegetarian. I would never say "I'm a vegetarian". And if someone said "Hey, you're a vegetarian", I wouldn't say "well, yes, I am a vegetarian, but I also don't use honey, or dairy, or eggs, etc." Instead, I'd say "Heck no, I'm not a vegetarian. I've got nothing in common with vegetarians. Their reasons for not eating the flesh of sentient beings have nothing at all to do with my reasons for never using sentient beings, period. So although I don't eat the flesh of sentient beings, I am not a vegetarian."

    I do not eat the flesh of sentient beings, but I am not a vegetarian. I am a vegan. Period."
    Excellent, period.
    ...en el brezal, el rey Lear le preguntó a Gloucester: ¿cómo ves el mundo?, y Gloucester, que era ciego, respondió: lo veo con el sentimiento...
    ...lo veo con el sentimiento.

  5. #5
    Animal humano Avatar de veganauta
    Fecha de ingreso
    Última edición por veganauta; 29-sep-2011 a las 09:17
    ...en el brezal, el rey Lear le preguntó a Gloucester: ¿cómo ves el mundo?, y Gloucester, que era ciego, respondió: lo veo con el sentimiento...
    ...lo veo con el sentimiento.

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