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7 Healthy Juices For Pregnancy
[IMG]Orange Juice:
Orange juice is loaded with nutrients and can act as your natural protection against cold and flu. This is especially good in preventing flu and will help the need for any medication while you are pregnant. Orange juice is also a good way to keep your overall immunity levels high. It is a rich source of vitamin C and also contains some amount of potassium
2. Carrot Juice:
Carrots are a great way to boost your unborn baby’s eye sight. It will also help to cleanse your liver and clear your body of any toxins. Carrot juice is a rich source of vitamins A and E. These will keep your skin healthy and glowing. These vitamins are also good to maintain the health of your nails and help them from getting brittle. Carrot juice is also a good natural ingredient that will help you fight that excessive hair fall that is mostly associated with pregnancy. It will also prevent any health issues you may have due to a fluctuating thyroid gland.
3. Beet Root Juice:
Having beet root juice when you are will help boost your energy. It will give you the required stamina needed as your pregnancy progresses. Beet root juice is loaded with iron, so consuming this juice will help avoid any conditions of anemia. This particular vegetable has amazing fiber content, which means it is great for your digestive system. Consuming this juice will also help flush out any toxins from your body and also purify your blood.
4. Apple Juice:
Apple juice is a great way to prevent any unnecessary weight gain during and after your . Having apple juice will help in the growth and development of your unborn baby’s brain. It is also a great source of iron and will help avoid any conditions of anemia in you.
5. Peach Juice:
Peach juice is very high in iron and potassium content. Having this juice will prevent your chances of having anemia while you are pregnant. Peach juice can help flush out the toxins from your body and clean your bladder and kidney. This is a natural way to prevent any cases of kidney stones when you are pregnant
6. Strawberry Juice:
Having strawberry juice will help add a natural glow to your skin while you are pregnant. It has very high water content and will help prevent dehydration. Strawberry juice has soluble fiber which is very good for your heart. It also contains folate, which is extremely essential during your pregnancy for both you and your unborn baby
7. Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice contains various healthy nutrients like protein, carbohydrate, fiber, vitamins and more. It also contains minerals, folate, zinc and calcium that are good for both you and your baby. Drinking lemon juice can help fight off nausea naturally.
Última edición por RosanaMQ; 17-feb-2023 a las 09:06
Coconut water and grape juice are also good for pregnant women. Coconut water helps prevent amniotic fluid and can combat exhaustion by providing the body with some natural energy. Drinking grape juice during pregnancy can keep blood pressure stable, prevent or treat constipation. It may also help limit hair loss after childbirth.
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