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Tema: Any juicing fans out there?

  1. #1

    Any juicing fans out there?

    Hi All,
    I'm new to this forum, and also to Spain where I am enjoying spending some time at the moment. I love all the wonderful and reasonably priced fruit and veg, it makes me so happy! It also makes my juicing habit pretty affordable too. My favourites at the moment are:
    apple, celery and ginger; beetroot and apple, carrot, parsley and apple.
    They make my cells zing with glee!
    Happy days indeed.

  2. #2
    Recién llegad@...
    Fecha de ingreso
    This has got to be true, and if we can increase our consumption of fruit and veg by incorporating juicing into our routine, so much the better. Organic if possible and if the price isn't too prohibitive. Otherwise plenty of whatever is in season.
    happy wheels apk online

  3. #3
    Recién llegad@...
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buscar calificaciones de casinos en Argentina me llevó a este sitio excepcional, donde la claridad y precisión de la información facilitaron mi elección. Los análisis detallan desde métodos de pago hasta atención al cliente, ofreciendo una guía completa. Realmente valoro esta ayuda para navegar en el amplio mar de opciones online. Sin duda, una herramienta indispensable.

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