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Tema: Leona Lewis Goes Vegan and Asks Fans for Recipe Suggestions

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    Leona Lewis Goes Vegan and Asks Fans for Recipe Suggestions

    leona lewis

    Leona Lewis Goes Vegan and Asks Fans for Recipe Suggestions

    by Ali Berman October 2, 2012
    Categories: Eats, Vegan.
    Photo: Helga Esteb /

    leona lewis
    Leona Lewis Goes Vegan and Asks Fans for Recipe Suggestions
    by Ali Berman October 2, 2012
    Categories: Eats, Vegan.
    Photo: Helga Esteb /

    Longtime vegetarian and animal advocate Leona Lewis has gone vegan!

    The singer tweeted, “I’ve been vegan for a few days now, I’m trying it for the whole month. Any recipes you can recommend?”

    Since we’re pretty sure Ecorazzi readers are made in part of some of the biggest baddest vegans around, we’d love to hear your recipe suggestions for Leona.

    There are so many amazing vegan cookbooks out these days, there certainly is no shortage of recipes. Hopefully fans will give her love and support (and delicious recipes) so her vegan experiment lasts longer than just October.

    I’ll start. How about Vegan Yum Yum’s smokey miso tofu? Put it on a bed of arugula with avocado and tomato and you’ve got yourself the most delicious thing in the world. The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone is certainly full of scrumptious meals she could make too. Or any of the other cookbooks (and obviously so many more) on our list of eight incredible vegan cookbooks.

    Your turn. What should Leona eat?
    About Ali Berman

    Ali Berman is a writer, teacher and activist. She works as a humane educator for HEART teaching kids about issues affecting people, animals and the environment. Ali is also a fiction writer. Her published work can be found on her website at In early 2012 Ali co-founded flipmeover, a production company with the mission to use media to raise awareness of social issues.

    View all posts by Ali Berman
    What a beautiful eyes.

  2. #2
    *Veggievolucionando* Avatar de HelenStrange
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    Fuengirola, Málaga
    Great news!

    Another famous vegan to show people the right option ^^
    Sé el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo. Ghandi

    "Primero te ignoran. Luego se ríen de ti. Después te atacan. Entonces ganas." Ghandi

  3. #3
    Recién llegad@...
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    I agree with you what a beautiful eyes. Thanks for sharing the awesome post i like it.

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