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Tema: Dieta vegetariana y mantenimiento de masa muscular

  1. #1

    Dieta vegetariana y mantenimiento de masa muscular

    Uno de los argumentos en contra de la dieta vegetariana suele ser "que te quedas fofo" o "pierdes músculo".

    Pues se ve que no:

    Relationship between essential amino acids and muscle mass, independent of habitual diets, in pre- and post-menopausal US women.
    Andrich DE, Filion ME, Woods M, Dwyer JT, Gorbach SL, Goldin BR, Adlercreutz H, Aubertin-Leheudre M.

    Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Quebec in Montreal , Montréal, QC , Canada , H3C 3P8.


    The purpose of this secondary analysis was to examine the relationship between protein and essential amino acids (EAAs) intake with the level of muscle mass (MM) independent of the diet. Twenty-one omnivores, 22 ovo-lacto-vegetarians and 20 vegans were recruited. MM (urinary creatinine), dietary intake (5-day dietary records) and biochemical analyses (urinary and plasma sex hormones) were obtained. We observed no significant difference between groups for MM, total EAA intake, leucine, isoleucine, age and body mass index. However, we observed a significant difference between groups for total dietary protein intake and total energy intake. Despite significant differences in total dietary protein, the EAA intake was not different, indicating that neither the amount nor the quality of protein in these diets was a limiting factor in determining the amount of MM. Thus, each of these diet patterns appears adequate to maintain MM.

  2. #2
    Recién llegad@...
    Fecha de ingreso
    La ventaja que le veo a una dieta vegetariana es que la proteína vegetal casi siempre viene acompañada, ya sea de carbohidratos complejos o de grasas y entonces es complicado que tu cuerpo recurra a las proteínas para obtener energía. Las deja hacer su trabajo.

  3. #3

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