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Tema: Glee's Lea Michele Reveals Vegan Diet As Key To Success

  1. #1

    Glee's Lea Michele Reveals Vegan Diet As Key To Success


    As the pilot episode of Glee is on the telly as I type, I'd like to post these very brief articles about one of the main actresses, Lea Michele, who's a vegan. The first one is from Vegsource, with a link to the second one from OK! magazine.

    Don't stop... belieeeeeeeving!! :canta:


    Glee's Lea Michele Reveals Vegan Diet As Key To Success

    In the latest edition of OK! Magazine, Lea Michele reveals her best diet secret.

    "I'm a vegan," Michele explains. "It makes me feel really good and bright."

    The 23-year old actress is best known for her role in the Fox TV series, Glee. Michele told OK! that she credits her vegan diet for giving her the energy to play the peppy Rachel Berry.

    In addition to sticking to a plant-based diet, Michele has campaigned against animal cruelty by posing in an anti-horse-drawn carriage ad for PETA.

    (end of article)

    Then, the link from Vegsource takes you to:

    OK! EXCLUSIVE: Lea Michele Shares Her Best Diet Secret

    In case you were wondering why Glee star Lea Michele is looking super svelte lately, the new issue of OK! gives you the answer.

    “I’m a vegan,” Lea tells OK!. “It makes me feel really good and bright.” Lea doesn’t eat meat and dairy, and says that brings pep to her acting abilities.

    “You need a lot of energy to play spunky Rachel Berry, so I’ve tried a lot of different things — and so far, this is working.”

    (end of article)

    OK, so even if in OK Magazine it's been published as a diet issue, I'm not complaining. Anything that brings veganism to light for people who don't know anything about it, is good in my book.

    ¿No distingues lo que soy?
    Soy una gallinita ponedora, esclava, hacinada, muy débil, mi cabecita cae hacia mi izquierda, y la bola que ves entre mi crestita, mi piquito y mi barbilla, es mi ojo hiper-hinchado. La oscura y fría cárcel ha sido mi única vivienda desde el día en que nací, y todos los días sufro inmensamente y lloro por dentro. Aprecia tu libertad, yo no tengo ese tesoro.
    <---- click enlace

    No participes en el holocausto, ¡HAZTE VEGANX!

    Recetas veganas:

  2. #2
    Usuari@ expert@
    Fecha de ingreso
    No sabía que era vegana, me encanta como canta esta chica.

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