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Tema: Germany: Bremen promotes 'Veggiday'

  1. #1
    A pedir de Milhouse Avatar de Sakic
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    A Coruña

    Germany: Bremen promotes 'Veggiday'

    Thursday is ' Veggiday' in Bremen. The mayor: Cafeterias and restaurants should serve vegetarian food that day

    28 January 2010

    One good deed per week - 'Veggiday' makes it possible. To drop meat is good for health and climate: An important number of cardiovascular diseases can be avoided as well as a fifth of the greenhouse gas emissions.

    For these and other reasons a broad alliance in Bremen promotes eating vegetarian, at least once per week. If 550,000 citizens of Bremen ate meatless just 52 days per year, they could prevent the CO2 emissions of 40.000 cars.

  2. #2
    mediocabrona proud member Avatar de arweny
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    They will be grateful :

    “Mi optimismo está basado en la certeza de que esta civilización está por derrumbarse.
    Mi pesimismo, en todo lo que hace por arrastrarnos en su caída.”

    De la servidumbre moderna (2009) documental de Jean-François Brient

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