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Tema: Sara Palin attacks vegetarians in her book

  1. #11
    One day will come!
    Fecha de ingreso
    País vasco (Bilbao)
    Unbelievable what Sara Pahlin says:

    "If any vegans came over for dinner, I could whip them up a salad, then explain my philosophy on being a carnivore: If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?"
    And i say, "if God had not intended for any living being to suffer, why did he create a world where all animals (human and not humans) have a nervous system?

    Sara. Bitch.

  2. #12
    Estudiante de Historia Avatar de Santy91
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    Cita Iniciado por Frytz Ver mensaje
    Chic@s que se puede esperar de esta persona.......y con preceptos fundamentalistas religiosos.....sacad vuestras propias conclusiones..

    Articulo completo
    I will not say anything...pictures speak for my. She is angry with people who is not like her. Fortunatly Obama is the president of USA
    -"Señor, yo tengo un amigo loco que dice que comer carne está mal, ¿es un loco de verdad?"-
    - "No, es sólo un ignorante, la cadena alimentaria, seguro que de eso tu amigo no ha oído hablar"

  3. #13
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de erfoud
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    San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa)
    Be blessed, Lord almighty, as you didn´t choose that asshole for vice-presidency!

  4. #14
    Cita Iniciado por erfoud Ver mensaje
    Be blessed, Lord almighty, as you didn´t choose that asshole for vice-presidency!

    By the way, I don't mean to slag anyone off, as I know it's an expression that's been embedded into us and we use without even thinking, but I wish the word Bitch would stop being used as an insult... same as Pig, and so many others naming animals as insults...

    Sorry for being so crude, but c**t is more like it for this airhead.

    ¿No distingues lo que soy?
    Soy una gallinita ponedora, esclava, hacinada, muy débil, mi cabecita cae hacia mi izquierda, y la bola que ves entre mi crestita, mi piquito y mi barbilla, es mi ojo hiper-hinchado. La oscura y fría cárcel ha sido mi única vivienda desde el día en que nací, y todos los días sufro inmensamente y lloro por dentro. Aprecia tu libertad, yo no tengo ese tesoro.
    <---- click enlace

    No participes en el holocausto, ¡HAZTE VEGANX!

    Recetas veganas: CreatiVegan.net

  5. #15
    veggie lover Avatar de alexmacias
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    Aguascalientes, México
    Cita Iniciado por Alma_Animal Ver mensaje

    By the way, I don't mean to slag anyone off, as I know it's an expression that's been embedded into us and we use without even thinking, but I wish the word Bitch would stop being used as an insult... same as Pig, and so many others naming animals as insults...

    Sorry for being so crude, but c**t is more like it for this airhead.
    You know what, you're absolutely right. "Bitch" must not be an offesive word. Sarah Palin is a cunt, and I'm not afraid to type those four letters. That's what she is.
    "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." — Thomas A. Edison

  6. #16
    Cita Iniciado por alexmacias Ver mensaje
    You know what, you're absolutely right. "Bitch" must not be an offesive word. Sarah Palin is a cunt, and I'm not afraid to type those four letters. That's what she is.
    HA HA!! Yeah, she absolutely is, and although I'm not afraid to type the whole word either, it was out of respect for the forum rules that I asterisked one letter, but yeah, she really is that and worse. Thanks Alex.

    ¿No distingues lo que soy?
    Soy una gallinita ponedora, esclava, hacinada, muy débil, mi cabecita cae hacia mi izquierda, y la bola que ves entre mi crestita, mi piquito y mi barbilla, es mi ojo hiper-hinchado. La oscura y fría cárcel ha sido mi única vivienda desde el día en que nací, y todos los días sufro inmensamente y lloro por dentro. Aprecia tu libertad, yo no tengo ese tesoro.
    <---- click enlace

    No participes en el holocausto, ¡HAZTE VEGANX!

    Recetas veganas: CreatiVegan.net

  7. #17
    A pedir de Milhouse Avatar de Sakic
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    A Coruña
    1 argument against cloning (Via reddit):


  8. #18
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de Teresa
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    I think this person dont understand a word about religion, religion is vegan, even cristianism and catholicism, its my opinion. You can read in the bible about veganism and I could say a lot of examples.
    A lot of catholic and crisitians people are wrong about that and they think they are right, only they need to learn more inside, God´s rules are inside ourselves: we can FEEL God, ok, and we can feel compassion, our own more health beeing vegan if we listen our own body! Vegan is not a stupid question, is a deep real and spiritual question and its not opposite God to be vegan and vegetarian, and of course dont like hunting animals is feel God too
    I want to meet that woman and talk with her about it, everyone of us has beeing wrong sometimes about something

  9. #19
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de Eire99
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    Sarah Palin is an absolute yokel. Thanks to monsters like her, Obama had it much and much easier to get into the power. Thank you, churl!

  10. #20
    I don't pretend to offend anyone, but seriously, that woman should kill herself for being a moron.

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