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08-sep-2006, 14:30

Una declaración determina el primer paso para el fin del comercio de focas

Buenas noticias, ayer fue un día histórico para las focas.
La Unión Europea acaba de adoptar en Estrasburgo (Francia), una resolución haciendo un llamamiento a la Comisión Europea para que se prohíba cualquier comercio de productos que provengan de focas.
Este es un paso crucial para conseguir que millones de focas se salven de una horrible matanza.


----- Original Message -----
From: Humane Society International
To: Ana Maria Sanchez
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 10:26 PM
Subject: Victory for seals in Europe!
Help us spread the news! Share this link with your friends.

Learn more about the campaign to stop the seal hunt at protectseals.org.

Yesterday was a truly historic day for the seals!

I am writing from Strasbourg, France, where the European Union has just adopted a Resolution calling upon the European Commission to ban all trade in harp and hooded seal products. This is a crucial step toward achieving legislation that will save millions of seals from a horrible fate.

The news is already spreading across Canada – now help us spread it across the world!

In the 1980s a European ban on the import of products from newborn seals brought Canada's commercial seal hunt to a virtual standstill. Tragically, the Canadian government subverted the intention of that legislation, allowing sealers to slaughter baby seals when they are just a few days older. After a brutal death, the pups' fur is traded in European fashion markets.

A European Union ban on the trade in all products from harp and hooded seals—regardless of the age of the animals—would eliminate a major market for the Canadian commercial sealing industry.

I've witnessed horrific cruelty at the seal hunt for eight years. But yesterday was about hope. Real hope for the seals, because Europeans no longer want to provide a financial incentive for commercial seal hunts. In passing this declaration, the European Parliament is observing the will of its citizens.

The writing is clearly on the wall for the Canadian sealing industry. And from here in Strasbourg, the future looks good for the seals.

Rebecca Aldworth
Director of Wildlife Issues
HSI Canada

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08-sep-2006, 16:15
¡Genial! ¡Es una noticia maravillosa! Poco a poco las cosas cambian, aunque a veces desfallezcamos y creamos que nuestros esfuerzos no valen la pena. Espero que por fin se acabe con ese negocio inmundo y que no tengamos que volver a presenciar las horrorosas escenas de las matanzas de focas. Angeline.
PD Falta por ver si la prohibición la cumplen...

10-sep-2006, 17:30
Me parece fenomenal, haver si al final se consigue.