Ver la versión completa : F.B.I y maltrato a especies no humanas

28-sep-2014, 14:42
Septiembre 9/2014 «El FBI clasifica el maltrato a animales como “crimen contra la sociedad”

El FBI iniciará el seguimiento de patrones de maltrato a animales en cuatro categorías diferentes:
- Abuso Organizado (peleas de perros y riñas de gallos)
- Negligencia (simple y grave)
- abuso intencional y tortura
- Abuso sexual de animales

Los cambios se aplicarán en 2015

FBI adds animal cruelty as 'crime against society' in uniform crime report

LSU Criminologist Ed Shihadeh said research proves many violent criminals or serial killers do have a history of animal abuse.

"The research shows there is a relationship between animal abuse and people abuse. That's why the FBI is now wanting metrics on animal abuse as an early indicator for criminal or anti-social behaviors among people, and I think it's a good move," said Shihadeh.

The FBI will start tracking animal abuse patterns in four different categories.

Simple/gross neglect
Intentional abuse and torture
Organized abuse (dog fighting or cock fighting)
Animal sexual abuse

The Federal Bureau of Investigation announced this week that it will start reporting crimes of animal cruelty as a separate offense under its uniform reporting system, leading the way for more comprehensive statistics on animal abuse.

Previously, crimes against animals were recorded under a generic “all other offense” category in the Uniform Crime Report, widely considered the most comprehensive source of crime statistics in the United States. Starting next year, animal cruelty would be reported as a distinct category, along with major offenses like murder, assault and arson crimes.

The FBI will implement the changes in 2015 and begin accepting data in January of 2016, Fischer said.
http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2014/09/fbi_adds_animal_cruelty_to_uniform_crime_report_st atistics.html

28-sep-2014, 14:52
Ya era hora....

29-sep-2014, 00:20
Lamentablemente para esta gente el ganado (destinado para consumo) no debe de estar formado por animales.

29-sep-2014, 14:36
Lamentablemente para esta gente el ganado (destinado para consumo) no debe de estar formado por animales.

No quieren meterse en lucha con los granjeros de U.S.A que son muchos. Muy triste , la verdad y muy decepcionante.

29-sep-2014, 15:06
^^^ Pero miremos la parte positiva: Mucha gente hará la conexión porque se dará cuenta de la incoherencia que supone. Con el tiempo, cuanta mas presión social vaya habiendo, mas irán teniendo en cuenta a todos los animales.

29-sep-2014, 15:07
Ojalá Ecomo.

02-oct-2014, 21:41
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/995656_714698575267068_8747537898750598593_n.jpg?o h=ee904c4108f42a259cd5843d7345a102&oe=54BF9231&__gda__=1421417874_07cb0090b737c2625308a2a30f75293 5
