Ver la versión completa : Nuevo Programa CdT #38.- Nobody talks, everybody walks

26-abr-2013, 18:08
#38 – Nobody talks, everybody walks (entrevista a compañeros de Seattle, EE.UU.)

En este programa 38 de Cabezas de Tormenta, tenemos como contenido principal una entrevista que realizamos el 1 de marzo a unxs compañerxs de Seattle que pasaban por Madrid. En el rato que compartimos nos hablaron sobre las luchas en la Costa Oeste de Estados Unidos (principalmente contra la gentrificación, la policía y las agresiones laborales), y sobre el momento que atraviesan. Para comprender mejor todo esto, nos explicaron en qué consiste el Gran Jurado, una herramienta represiva bastante curiosa y maquiavélica, que ha llevado a prisión a algunxs compañerxs (el día 11 de abril salió en libertad el último de ellxs, os dejamos al final del post la transcripción de sus palabras ante el Gran Jurado).

En nuestra sección de reseñas os recomendamos un maravilloso (y desolador) libro de ciencia ficción titulado Las torres del olvido, del que os dejamos un par de citas más abajo y que nos parece especialmente oportuno reseñar esta semana, cuando la prensa internacional da cuenta de la grave contaminación que asfixia el cielo de Pekín, llegando a imposibilitar el que los niños salgan a la calle durante días enteros. Por otro lado, recomendamos un par de películas del imprescindible (y recientemente fallecido) Sidney Lumet: Doce hombres sin piedad y Antes que el diablo sepa que has muerto, historias ambas que ahondan en la condición humana y su relación con la justicia, con el dinero y, en definitiva, con el resto de seres humanos.

Cerramos este programa con nuestras habituales convocatorias, invitando a todos los que nos escuchan (y pueden hacerlo por cercanía geográfica) a asistir a las jornadas de debate tituladas De rodillas todo son gigantes que tendrán lugar el 3 y 4 de mayo en la madrileña Plaza de Agustín Lara (a las 18:30 ambos días), y a la concentración Por el fin del encierro – Contra los centros de menores que se realizará el lunes 29 de abril, a las 12 de la mañana en Gran Vía 14 (Instituto Madrileño de la Familia y el Menor).

Se produjo un cambio que aterrorizó a Mamá y a muchas otras personas y provocó muchos apaños improvisados en las operaciones de Billy. En respuesta a pavorosas mutaciones en la estructura económica mundial, el Estado congeló las cuentas bancarias, permitiendo sólo a las firmas comerciales efectuar transacciones financieras, y únicamente sobre el papel. Se anunció que sería meramente una medida temporal; hasta que la liquidez nacional fuera restaurada. Por un tiempo, los que ganaban algún dinero debían limitarse a vivir de sus ingresos.

Esto apenas afectó a los infra, que vivían de cupones y vales, pero representó una enorme diferencia para Mamá, que había mordisqueado cada mes una cuenta bancaria que súbitamente ya no existía. Nadie creía que el Estado pudiera o quisiera devolver lo que se había quedado. Tampoco lo creía yo. Muchos periféricos que no habían caído del todo en la condición infra se precipitaron ahora de cabeza en ella, y no pocos supra se suicidaron, enfrentados a la extinción social.

El Estado cometía errores absurdos, generalmente por fallos deprogramación. Billy contaba historias terroríficas, la mayoría de segunda mano, sobre comunidades infra que morían de hambre por culpa de un ordenador: el Servicio de Distribución les había suministrado toneladas de sal en lugar de proteínas condensadas, o cualquier otra barbaridad por el estilo. Los noticiarios recogían a veces estos sucesos, pero únicamente si tenían un lado cómico y no arrastraban consecuencias graves. Los tiempos fueron magros para muchos, mientras el sistema planchaba sus arrugas.

En épocas precedentes tales situaciones habrían estado marcadas por protestas masivas, huelgas, tumultos y sangre en los barrios bajos, pero ahora nadie creía en un futuro mejor; más valía hacer frente a la vida desde un nivel de estricta subsistencia que morir por haberse lanzado a una violencia inútil.

Transcript from Maddy’s Grand Jury Appearance

Maddy Pfeiffer’s Grand Jury Appearance, 11/07/12

Here are the notes from the Grand Jury hearings. Personal information has been redacted, including the names of people asked about by the Prosecutor.

Prosecutor Michael Dion: What is your Name?
Maddy: Matthew Pfeiffer

Prosecutor Michael Dion: What is your Birth Date?
Maddy: (gave birth date)

Prosecutor Michael Dion: What do you do for work?
Maddy: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: What is your Address?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Do you intend to answer that for every question?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Did you live at (address redacted for privacy)?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Did your lawyer advice you about Immunity?
M: Yes.

at this point in time, the prosecution showed the room a statement posted to the committee against political repression’s website, attributed to Maddy

P: Are you familiar with the committee against political repression?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Are you aware that the Federal courthouse was vandalized on May 1st?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Were you present at the courthouse on May 1st?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Do you know Person 1 (name redacted)?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Was Person 1 in Seattle on May 1st?
M:I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Do you know Person 2 (name redacted)?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Was Person 2 in Seattle on May 1st?
M:I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Do you know Person 3 (name redacted)?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Was Person 3 in Seattle on May 1st?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Did anyone tell you about vandalizing the courthouse?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Do you know what a black bloc is?
M:I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Have you ever been in a black bloc?
M:I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Have you ever possessed a road flare?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Do you know a man named ___________ (name redacted)?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Do you intend to answer “I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.” to all questions?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: You are due upstairs in 10 minutes and have another subpoena on the 20th of November.

Maddy went before the judge then was sent back down to the grand jury for a second appearance

P: Has your position changed since talking to Judge Jones?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Are you going to continue to answer ” I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.” to every question?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Have you ever met Person 1?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Have you ever been in a black bloc?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Were you there on May 1st?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments.

P: Did anyone say anything to you about the damage to the courthouse?
M: I am exercising my state and federal constitutional rights including the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments

P: Okay, we’re done here.