Ver la versión completa : Cyber acción contra la vivisección, del 25 al 29 de julio

25-jul-2012, 20:44
Original In English: https://www.facebook.com/events/265750143529906 (se puede comentar)

Traducción Google:

NIO Florida is in receipt of the public registries of alumni who donate substantial sums of money to UF through the Florida Fund, a 501(c)(3) corporation. It appears that we will need to sue to gain access to their "confidential" registries. Ann Parkes, founder of NIO UK, will be orchestrating our official weekly outreach actions focusing on these donors. And I will be inviting all 5000 of my friends to participate. I do not wish to annoy anyone who is uninterested with event invites. So I understand if you need to delete me. Everyone else, I look forward to your support.

Cauterizing the flow of money for research is vital.
Let's appeal to the humanity and spirituality of benefactors, asking them to cease funding cruel, archaic and fraudulent “research science."

Will try to use a different 'approach' in the letter each week.


Dear Friend of UF

Ask yourself, would an 'educated' doctor, impervious to the screams of our non-human cousins, be equally impervious to the screams of a disenfranchised, poor member of society with a mental illness?

Anticipate the day when vivisectors are overtly set loose on the poverty stricken, disadvantaged, mentally ill, old and sick. Covertly, it has been happening for many years.

What sort of corrupt society continues to condone such archaic experimentation & cruelty - for profit, merely profit. And what God would condone it? Yours? I think not! And yet these same mutilators are accepted with grace into your community and the fellowship of any given church.

How are you able to equate condoning torture and murder of the innocent with any religious views you may hold? It seems bizarre that vivisectors would worship in a christian church - no gentle God will be listening to their prayers - or the prayers of those complicit in these horrendous crimes.

Many religious critiques straddle psychology and religion. However, when politics, social 'norms', values & regulations are of more import than moral or spiritual matters, it would appear to be a religion that debases the word of God - a religion on the other side of the abyss!

Do you know what has been done to Bucky by Raymond Bergeron, at UF?? Bucky has been isolated, brutally restrained and stabbed in body and mind, shocked and brain-damaged. Bucky has been poisoned, attacked and destroyed, to the point where he now self-mutilates. Bucky has been driven insane. He has been captive at UF since 1999 - 13 long years of daily misery! While supporters of UF continue to donate!

THIRTEEN YEARS!! How many care-free vacations have you taken, whilst this poor baby has been imprisoned in the dungeons of UF, knowing only terror and pain!

Driven Insane: Bucky’s “strictly regulated” hellish existence inside the University of Florida


How many thousands more innocents have been tormented and slaughtered. Do the screams of these animals and the warmth of their soft, yielding, vulnerable bodies haunt the vivisectors? From what I've seen, heard and read the answer is a definitive "No".

Foreboding at what the future holds must now frequent the dreams of these pseudo scientists! The noose is tightening on the vivisection complex.

Please, help us to stop this fraudulent science and barbaric cruelty - insisting that funding is directed into more sophisticated, humane and accurate avenues of research.




iqualter@nsf.gov, kthompso@nsf.gov, sharling@nsf.gov, bquade@nsf.gov, daplater@nsf.gov, bmountai@nsf.gov, jhamilto@nsf.gov, info@nsf.gov, webmaster@nsf.gov, fastlane@nsf.gov, ablateck@nsf.gov, msuskin@nsf.gov, djwhite@nsf.gov, bschneid@nsf.gov, gdallen@nsf.gov, ilombard@nsf.gov, rchadduc@nsf.gov, dkatz@nsf.gov, dskow@nsf.gov, msuchman@nsf.gov, mmcclure@nsf.gov, cmaitlan@nsf.gov, koberrig@nsf.gov, mrigas@nsf.gov, medrsch@wmkeck.org, scieng@wmkeck.org, socal@wmkeck.org, ugprogram@wmkeck.org, info@wmkeck.org, jpekarsky@longviewcomms.ca, webmaster@wmkeck.org, ncptt@nps.gov, medrsch@wmkeck.org, scieng@wmkeck.org, socal@wmkeck.org, jfreeman25@gmail.com, destephens@alumni.ufl.edu, jennyweigle@gmail.com, rstamper@ufalumni.ufl.edu, shayna.brouker@gmail.com, webadmin@ufalumni.ufl.edu, koberrig@nsf.gov, cmaitlan@nsf.gov, bmountai@nsf.gov