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Going vegan is easy with these free vegetarian starter guides

October 29th, 2009 ( Virginia Messina (

Vegan Examiner (
Free vegetarian starter guides make it easy to go vegan.

World Vegan Day is coming up this Sunday and it’s a great time to start taking some steps toward more ethical eating. Whether you are vegetarian or currently eat meat, it is far easier to go vegan than you might think.
The vegetarian starter guides listed here are all available for free download and most can be ordered for free through the mail, too. And if you don’t feel ready to dive head first into vegan eating, you’ll find that they are all packed with good information—and support—to help you make the transition.
Guide to Cruelty Free Eating ( Vegan Outreach
This handy pocket size book is among several that Vegan Outreach produces. It includes a great glossary of meat, dairy and egg substitutes; simple meal ideas; guidelines for putting together meals without using a recipe; tips for baking without eggs; recipes; and resources. A section on meeting needs for vitamin B12, omega-3 fats, vitamin D, iodine and iron is provided by vegan dietitian Jack Norris. The second half of this booklet includes tips for being a vegan advocate and information about why going vegan matters.
Guide to Vegetarian Eating ( the Humane Society of the United States
With their focus on helping mainstream eaters make the transition to a more ethical diet, the HSUS has produced a booklet with plenty of information for shopping and stocking a vegan kitchen, along with recipes and some basic nutrition information. There is an easy three-step approach to going vegan and some menu ideas. The first part of this booklet describes the lives of farmed animals and also some of the research into the intelligence and emotional lives of pigs, cows and chickens.
Vegetarian Starter Kit ( the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
From the experts on vegan nutrition, this is another guide that offers three easy steps toward going vegan and plenty of tips for making the switch. There are instructions for cooking with eggs, sample menus, and information for planning balanced vegan diets. Sections on maintaining a healthy weight, eating for a healthy pregnancy and feeding vegan kids make this a good guide for families. (Also available in Spanish)
Vegetarian Starter Kit ( Mercy for Animals

With extensive information on the treatment of farm animals and also the effects of diet on the environment, this guide will get you motivated to go vegan and then show you how to do it. It includes a food guide pyramid designed just for vegans, tips for replacing meat, dairy and eggs in the diet, and plenty of meal ideas and recipes.
Vegetarian Starter Guide ( Compassion Over Killing
This guide has good information about meeting nutrient needs on a vegan diet as well as ideas for dairy, egg and meat replacements, and a selection of recipes. There is a plan for making the transition to plant-based eating and some very encouraging tips for those who are new to this way of eating. The information about factory farms also includes uplifting stories and photos of rescued animals.