Ver la versión completa : jugar con pelotas de cuero

25-oct-2010, 04:26
Les cuento que ayer fue mi primer juego de beisbol y los compañeros
me prestaron para que usara, su bate y guantes, siempre que vaya.

Resulta que tenían solo mascotín - así llaman al guante - de cuero y no
tenía otra opción, también la pelota es de cuero.:(

Me considero un vegano, no compro indumentaria de fuente animal.:)

En estos casos me pregunto si he traicionado mis principios por darme el
placer de vivir este juego.

Entonces que pasa si un jugador vegano de la NBA usa la pelota oficial que en un
tiempo fue de cuero, o el futbolista profesional o simplemente cuando nos invitan en
algún juego de cualquier disciplina que se lleva a cabo con implementos de cuero.

Estaré agradecido por sus opiniones

25-oct-2010, 12:28
Hola Andrew,

Miraté este link:


Custom-made adult-sized vegan baseball gloves
Vegetarian Journal, March-April, 2006

Baseball season is in full swing, and many of you may be wishing that someone would finally manufacture adult-sized vegan baseball gloves. Well, Carpenter Trade Company has come to the rescue! You can now purchase made-to-order vegan baseball gloves, including catcher's mitts, from this vegetarian-owned business located in Cooperstown, NY, home of the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Carpenter gloves are lightweight and used by several Major League Baseball players. The standard rate for a custom-made glove is $250. For further information, visit <www.carpentertrade.com>, or call the company at (607) 264-8133.

COPYRIGHT 2006 Vegetarian Resource Group
COPYRIGHT 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning


Los balones de baloncesto no son de cuero. Los de fútbol creo que ya los están haciendo sintéticos.


25-oct-2010, 12:40
Veggie baseball star on NY Times Sports front page 4/27/08

By DawnWatch


The lead story on the front page of the Sunday New York TimesSunday New York Times sports section, April 27April 27, is headed "A Cleanup HitterCleanup Hitter Who Leaves Something on His Plate." The article, by Alan SchwarzAlan Schwarz, is about the newly vegetarian sports star, Milwaukee's first baseman, Prince FielderPrince Fielder.

It tells us:

"One of the most gregarious young stars in the sport, Fielder has begun to feel a bit like a circus seal, balancing the ball of vegetarianismvegetarianism on his nose while, all things being equal, still appreciating a good rack of ribs. Fielder, 23, decided to make the switch over the winter after reading how cattle and chickens were treated and 'was totally grossed out,' he said. His wife, ChanelChanel, preferred a no-meat diet as it was, so he embraced a new approach.

"Fielder had been as carnivorous as your average puma -- pushing 200 pounds since he was 12, he scarfed down a 48-ounce porterhouse as a teenager and had barely slowed down since. (He played last year with 270 pounds on his 5-foot-11 frame, not all of it muscle.) But he figured he could get his protein from beans and shakes instead of meat and fish, leading to conversations since the beginning of spring training that have grown quite tiresome.

"Yes, he eats a lot of black bean burgers. No, he does not sneak chicken fingerschicken fingers behind Chanel's back. Yes, he has all the energy he always did, maybe more. No, his slow start (he entered Saturday batting .241 with just three home runs, but hit a go-ahead solo homer in a 4-3 victory over Florida on Saturday night) has had nothing to do with his diet. Yes, he has lost about five pounds, but is not hungry all the time. No, he does not munch on plain tofu, which still tastes like a wet eraser to him."

The article describes Fielder's meal at a Milwaukee restaurant and ends with:

"Less than 24 hours later, Fielder stood in the batter's box against one of baseball's best young leftyoung left-handers, Cole HamelsCole Hamels of the Philadelphia PhilliesPhiladelphia Phillies. Fielder smoked two home runs in the Brewers' 5-4 win. Less filling, tasted great."

You'll find the whole delightful article on line at: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/27/sports/baseball/27fielder.html?_r=1&th&emc=th&oref=slogin

It presents a perfect opportunity for letters to the editor about the many joys of plant based diets.

The New York Times takes letters at letters@nytimes.com

Always include your full name, address, and daytime phone number when sending a letter to the editor. Remember that shorter letters are more likely to be published. And please be sure not to use any comments or phrases from me or from any other alerts in your letters. Editors are looking for original responses from their readers.

Yours and the animals',
Karen DawnKaren Dawn

(DawnWatch is an animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal issues in the media and facilitates one-click responses to the relevant media outlets. You can learn more about it, and sign up for alerts at http://www.DawnWatch.com. You may forward or reprint DawnWatch alerts if you do so unedited -- leave DawnWatch in the title and include this parenthesized tag line. If somebody forwards DawnWatch alerts to you, which you enjoy, please help the list grow by signing up. It is free.)

Fuente: http://www.vegfamily.com/news/famous-vegans-veggie-baseball.htm

25-oct-2010, 14:17
Gracias Zen!:)

Ayer navegué tratando de encontrar mascotines veganos y me topé con
este sitio que haces referencia.

Pero son 250 dol :eek:, cuando si te fijas en Amazon hay por mucho menos precio. Ahora no estoy en condiciones de hacer estos gastos, además habría que sumarle flete.

Seguiré buscando algo más económico y mientras tanto debo seguir practicando con lo que me prestan.

También esta el hecho de que las instituciones deportivas no les interesa veganismo. Si estuviera yo forrado en plata, les compraba la pelota pelota vegana y la prestaba, pero no es mi caso.

Esto es 2007: http://www.nba.com/enebea/news/pelotacuero_061212.html, no sé como es hoy.

28-oct-2010, 21:37
Ami me gusta el americano y para jugar con mis amigos compro balones de hule nunca de piel supongo que si mandas a hacer lo que necesitas con algun experto no tendra inconvenientes el precio no creo que sea bajo