Ver la versión completa : Recogidas de firmas contra diversas formas de maltrato animal

16-abr-2010, 17:48
Intestines Cut Out of Rats:
In cruel classroom experiments at Illinois Central College, rats are killed and have their intestines and lungs cut out. Frogs are also dissected alive, injected with drugs, and killed! Take action.

Undercover: Kosher Slaughterhouse
Undercover video from a kosher slaughterhouse reveals the continued use of "shackle and hoist" despite promises to phase out this barbaric method. Take action.

Help Deal Ringling a Crushing Blow
In light of the circus's cruelty to animals, PETA is asking the U.S. Department of Agriculture to revoke Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus' exhibitor's license, and we need your help to ensure that it does.

Airline Flies Beagles to Deadly Fate
PETA has obtained disturbing photos of beagles confined to crates on a Lufthansa transport plane destined for a testing facility where animals are poisoned, mutilated, and killed! Take action.

Help Dogs and Cats on Fur Farms
This year, 2 million cats and hundreds of thousands of dogs will be killed for their fur. Currently, there are no laws in China to protect animals on fur farms. See how you can help end this now!

17-abr-2010, 21:54
Muchas gracias por todos los enlaces!!
Ahora en un momento me pongo a meterme en cada una de ellas para firmar y también empezaré a difundirlos!!