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Ver la versión completa : Madrid could add siesta to list of protected Spanish cultural icons

15-mar-2010, 00:34
Madrid could add siesta to list of protected Spanish cultural icons

The Spanish practice of napping in the afternoon should be declared a protected art form, Madrid's conservative government has been told.

Fiona Govan in Madrid
Published: 10:25PM GMT 14 Mar 2010

An application has been presented to Madrid authorities calling for the 'siesta' to be given a special cultural status to ensure its preservation.

It comes following the announcement earlier this month by Esperanza Aguirre, the President of the conservative regional government in Madrid, that the bullfight was to be included on the list of items of "special cultural value" that were protected by law.

The controversial decision to put bullfighting on the same cultural level as Madrid's most important historical monuments caused outrage amongst animal rights activists.

Daniel Dorado, a lawyer who campaigns for the protection of animals, filed an application last week arguing that the siesta fulfills the same criteria for protected cultural patrimony as bullfighting.

"The siesta is a cultural fact of special relevance and significance, an art which deserves protection," he declared in the request presented last week.

"It has been part of Mediterranean and Spanish culture for time immemorial," he said echoing the argument used to justify the inclusion of bullfighting on the list.

Mr Dorado argues that the siesta - traditionally a post lunch snooze of up to an hour - was being threatened by the pressures of modern working practices and that its loss could bring about the demise of the country.

In an attempt to mock the law which protects the culture of bullfighting above the prevention of cruelty to animals he argued that Madrid was under obligation to preserve the siesta and should consider installing beds in the street.

15-mar-2010, 01:05
Beds in the street and no cars making noise. Only bicycles.:D

15-mar-2010, 21:08
HA!! Excellent!!

BTW, I've just done a search in Google and The Telegraph is not the only online news page covering this news in English, there's quite a few! Brilliant.

17-mar-2010, 19:17
Could be brilliant!!
Beds at streets!!
Can you imagine Esperanza Aguirre sleeping at the street? Perfect moment to kick her up!! XD

17-mar-2010, 19:20
Could be brilliant!!
Beds at streets!!
Can you imagine Esperanza Aguirre sleeping at the street? Perfect moment to kick her up!! XD

Could beating Aguirre be also considered as culture?

17-mar-2010, 19:22
Could beating Aguirre be also considered as culture?

Hope so!! hahaha!