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Ver la versión completa : Encuesta online en inglés sobre circos con animales

07-ene-2010, 21:42 jMw=&

Es del DEFRA (Departamento de Medio ambiente, Comida y Asuntos Rurales del Reino Unido).

En la web de Animal Aid tienen sugerencias respecto a que responder en cada una, lo cual para ahorrar tiempo está bien (las he revisado y me parecen bastante correctas):

Q1 - no
Q2 - yes
Q3 - none
Q4 - other (Animals should not be rehomed to zoos where they will endure confinement and public attention. All animals should be rehomed to sanctuaries that can deal with their specific needs.)
Q5 - yes
Q6 - every location
Q7 - no change
Q8 - no (Please also leave comment that the use of animals by the film industry is also inherently cruel, oppressive and abusive)
Q9 - no (Please also comment that there are companies providing goods and services to circuses, but business and industry is in a constant state of flux and all providers of such goods and services are required to be flexible and adaptable.)
Q10 - no
Q11 - yes
Q12 - no
Q13 - every location (Please comment that the evidence clearly shows that circus operators cannot be trusted to police themselves with regard to animal welfare. Therefore inspections should be frequent, thorough and unannounced.)
Q14 - yes
Q15 - other (Please leave comment that the evidence shows that current laws in animal protection are routinely flouted as has been captured on film by groups such as Animal Defenders International, so there is no chance that a Code of Practice would prevent abuse. Nor does any Code deal with the inherent cruelty of trapping or breeding animals for entertainment, their confinement and the lack of opportunity to display natural behaviour.)
Q16 - yes (Please also call for an outright ban on the use of animals in circuses)
Q17 - no
Q18 - equivalent (Please leave comment that you call for a ban on the use of animals but if DEFRA does decide to create a regulatory body, then it should be independent of the government and of the industry.)
Q19 - yes (Please call for a total ban.)
Q20 - no

08-ene-2010, 00:14
Gracias. La página donde está la entrevista para rellenar es esta: jMw%3d&

Edito: perdón, no había visto que habías puesto el enlace arriba, sólo había visto el de abajo :rolleyes: