Ver la versiĆ³n completa : Farm Sanctuary: Education

04-ago-2009, 03:11


By opening our barn doors to guests at our New York and California shelters, Farm Sanctuary provides visitors with the unique experience of seeing the world through the eyes of farm animals. After coming face to face with a rescued chicken, nuzzling up to a gentle cow and rubbing a grateful pig's belly, many Farm Sanctuary visitors are forever changed. In fact, a survey conducted during the 2007 tour season found that more than half of all visitors reported that they intended to make future changes in their diets based on their experience visiting our sanctuaries.

Our Visit the Farm http://www.farmsanctuary.org/farm/ program welcomes overnight visitors to our picturesque farms, where they stay in spacious cabins and awaken to crowing roosters. Free to roam the 300-acre sanctuary nestled in the coastal mountains near Orland, California, or the 175-acre sanctuary situated in the heart of the Finger Lakes region of New York, guests can pitch in with farm chores, or simply enjoy the companionship of farm animals.

Those looking for a more intensive experience can apply for a one to three-month internship and live at our California or New York shelter. Our Volunteer Internship Program http://www.farmsanctuary.org/get_involved/jobs/intern.html has been around since Farm Sanctuary's inception, and has inspired hundreds of individuals to make a life-long commitment to protect farm animals.

For those who have not made the journey to visit our shelters, Farm Sanctuary extends a hand to communities via a variety of conferences, forums and outreach programs. Since 1987, our annual Walk for Farm Animals http://www.walkforfarmanimals.org/, which is now held in more than 50 cities across the U.S. and Canada, has raised awareness and funds for the plight and care of farm animals.

Since its founding, Farm Sanctuary has promoted a new Thanksgiving tradition. Our annual Adopt-a-Turkey Project http://www.adoptaturkey.org/ encourages people to adopt a turkey instead of eating one. National and regional media stories have covered the effort and helped educate millions of consumers about the cruelty of factory turkey production, while encouraging a more humane alternative.

Farm Sanctuary has amassed an extensive video and photo library http://www.farmsanctuary.org/issues/factoryfarming/photos/ documenting the realities of industrialized agriculture. Our graphic images have appeared in print and broadcast media around the world, reaching millions, and we produce public service announcements http://www.farmsanctuary.org/mediacenter/psas.html and documentaries http://www.farmsanctuary.org/mediacenter/videos.html to educate citizens.

Our media outreach efforts have been featured in prominent newspapers and magazines including New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and dozens of Associated Press stories advocating for reform. Television and radio coverage includes Prime Time Live, National Public Radio, Larry King Live, Animal Planet, The Food Network, CBS Sunday Morning and CNN Headline News.

Farm Sanctuary encourages people to move towards a plant-based diet to promote good health, environmental stewardship and compassion toward animals. Our Veg for Life Campaign http://www.vegforlife.org/ provides a website and other resources to help, including dietary information and recipes. Newsstands across the country offer free copies of our Guide to Veg Living http://www.vegforlife.org/veg_form.htm , advertisements run in prominent media outlets, and restaurants across the country are now signing our Veg Pledge, and agreeing to provide veg meals.

Farm Sanctuary's humane education extends to the classroom, where students learn to think critically about factory farming and the impacts of daily food choices. Our Cultivating Compassion Humane Education http://www.farmsanctuary.org/education/ program is available to teachers and students in communities throughout the U.S.

Children can also learn more about farm animals through the Farm Sanctuary Kidz Club http://www.farmsanctuarykidzclub.com/. A joint partnership with Turtle Mountain, the Farm Sanctuary Kidz Club was created to tap children's natural affinity for animals and educate them about healthy nutrition and the impact of factory farming on animals and the environment. The Club offers prizes and interactive learning activities online.

Meanwhile, Farm Sanctuary is an ongoing presence at festivals and street fairs, where volunteers from coast to coast staff tables and educate citizens about animal agriculture and compassionate alternatives.

Back at the farms, annual events http://www.farmsanctuary.org/farm/calendar/ such as our 4th of July Pignic and our Country Hoe Downs are ever-popular, drawing overnight campers and day visitors who share a mutual interest in farm animal issues and delicious vegan food. The Hoe Down features presentations from prominent speakers, farm tours, hay rides, and a barn dance in the evening. At our July 4th Pignics, guests feast on tasty vegan hot dogs with all the fixin's, enjoy free tours and have the chance to give a pig a belly rub.

04-ago-2009, 03:17

Resources For Education

To Promote Respect, Understanding and Compassion
for Humans, Animals and the Environment

Good news for teachers! Farm Sanctuary's Cultivating Compassion program makes it even easier for caring teachers to bring compassion to their classrooms. In an increasingly violent world in which making profits often takes precedence over seeking peace, Farm Sanctuary's Cultivating Compassion program offers materials designed to encourage respect and kindness toward all living beings and the environment. Farm Sanctuary is pleased to provide these resources FREE to teachers.

Cultivating Compassion: Teachers' Guide and Student Activities
Guides offers lesson plans, hand-outs, and activities for teaching that farmed animals have feelings, too. Elementary (grades 3-5), Intermediate (grades 6-8), and Secondary (grades 9-12) Levels available.

Life Behind Bars
Narrated by Mary Tyler Moore, this documentary compares a natural, humane life of farm animals with the cruel methods currently used on factory farms. Suitable for high school and college levels.

Additional Farm Sanctuary informational literature, including “Factory Farming: Destroying the Environment,”

“How We Treat the Animals We Eat" https://secure2.vegsource.com/farmsanc/item.cgi?rm=edit_item&item_id=869 and “Vegetarian Diets for Kids" brochures, is available. Although these brochures are not designed for children specifically, they are appropriate for students in grades 9-12.