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Ver la versión completa : Recogida firmas contra uso de elefantes en circos

18-jun-2009, 11:34
It's heart-wrenching. Baby elephants are ripped away from their mothers and forced into a life of abuse and humiliation that is reinforced with bullhooks, whips and electric prods.
Don't allow animal abuse to continue at the circus! >>

These are the elephants forced to perform with Ringling Bros. Circus, which is schedule to set-up near New York City in America this summer. New York City officials recently announced that Taconic Investments has donated land for Ringling Bros, which should help save the suffering amusement district.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has contacted the city and Taconic to inform them of Ringling's lengthy history of animal abuse, but they refuse to sacrifice this moneymaking opportunity for animal rights!
Join people from around the world who are speaking out against animal abuse >>
Abusing circus animals for our entertainment is unnecessary and just plain wrong. Thank you for showing that you do not support this inhumane practice.

Respectfully yours,

Karina M.
Care2 Petition Site Team

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18-jun-2009, 11:38
Firmado, a ver si nos hacen caso!

18-jun-2009, 11:55
Tambien firme

19-jun-2009, 16:22
Firmado también :)

19-jun-2009, 16:25
Yo no se si acabara alguna vez toda esa mierda porque con tanta matanza selectiva de elefantes en los llevan al zoo o circos. eso dicen.

20-jun-2009, 10:13
Ya está firmado.

20-jun-2009, 11:32
41422, creo que es el número de firma.

20-jun-2009, 17:31
Lo que no llego a comprender es por qué la petición se refiere únicamente a los elefantes. Con lo fácil que sería sustituir "elefantes" por "animales"...Igual se cree que los leones , tigres, caballos etc están felices encerrados en jaulas y obligados a hacer payasadas!