Ver la versión completa : what do you know about getting fruitarian?

30-ene-2006, 12:23
you ask me why fruitarian:
may be for:
beauty, health, luck, happy feelings, honesty, love-feelings and consequent human behaviour in hamony with nature in a amazing evolutional gods game of the lord of the lords--

for similar reasons veggies are veggies or vegans, as fruitarians.
Fruitarians seem to go a little bit further but less then the breatharians in their disciplin of strictness for ethical aspects, healthneeds, moral- or personal reasons.

It suits me better as i am originaly designed as a fruiteater.
some years ago i had those discussions and i stopped it, as it was exhausting trying to explain experience.

A fruit is the finished placenta of a plant.
Once we have eaten it raw, our hunger goes away immediately - without making tired and it gives energy and some luck-and happyness feelings of clear conciousness as some sort oh aphrodisiacic feelings.
the body needs less food and other positive aspects...

The trained improoved and well balanced fruitdiet takes our hunger away and all known deseases. Human beings are mainly born as fruitarians, even when the modern human life- habbits had been changing so fancy.
The cow is a real vegetarian.
I am not a cow,
nor a dog,
nor a pig.
nor a bird,
neither a plant-
only a human.

I am trying to be a real human

Even if i think to know why human beings stopped to eat fruits only my own experience suits me well.

If you are intresested - there are also some homepages - they explain why humans are fruit eaters with their whole body---
some struggled commercial or busy failers shout against fruitarians, because they did not make it, like the forgetable Tom Billings and his redicolous diet failures, trying to tell other fruitarians that they would be wrong when he failed.
As a long term fruitarian i went extremely healthy and happy.
since years, i don´t have to visit the dentist anymore, nor a doctor.
I am not in those destructiable anti-themes, because i am to well with being fruitarian. I won´t like to change it.

It keeps me young, and vital, giving me more independency and the feeling to be connected and unplugged. I am defenitly more happy, without processed food.
The nature gives everything best, as we know how to apreciate and to use food right.
Fruitarian people do respect animalrights, human rights, plant rights and earthrights, may be some of them try even to be non violent at all.

The fruitarian live in a different film - another space, you may say.

I think that humans are more or less adicted to their habbits-- that seemes to be more or less all about the debates.

The pure plain pleasures of a fruitarian life are difficult to reach as one has to leave most of the old habbits behind - and thats can be hard discciplin, ..
as hard or even more difficult then an anti-alcohol-drug therapie.
I would not like to give advices to others, unless i am not living with food victims together.
I am trying to answer your question.

But how?

May be you wil find out.
Once it suits you - you have not to stop it, as long it keeps you alive better, because if you do so, it will be more difficult to hold the high concious state. aslo it is body cleansing as it can be some sort of human ZEN
I´ll keep it better then, as decided.
It can be just like a tough fight against the the egocentric withdrawal effects.

The cooked carbonhydrate-or proteinflashs are quite strong and i would not like to forbid a fruitarian to make his own fruitarian birhtday cake, even when the cake could affect the consumers cosyness.
People usually want to be nice and healthy first of all - in their fantasy, -- most of humans degenerate themselfes with their life habits and styles unless they might know better about society-caused longterm-problems of health.

I am still fruitarian, because i had some visions that changed my life, as i took it for serious.

For me it was the right decision, i guess.
fruitarians keep their intire body aquarium in balance, as the millieu is all amd the microbe is nothing-
Usually i don´t talk about fruitarianism anymore, as i am a very funny happy person involved in art-projects.
The only reason i am suffering from time to time is my lonelyness when i want to share social life with my virtual or real family when i am alone for long periods.
I don´t care, as my effort to find a beautiful fruitarian woman get less every day. I am to possitive, because everything will come in time.

I had been writing so much by now, that i am seriously thinking to put that lines as an atricle in my fruitarian forum on my homepage. Now i answeresd finaly and i hope that you are happy with it. Normaly i tell the people, that they may visit me, if they want to share a fruitarian life.
just in case, somebody realy wants to know how it works perfect, but it takes time to reach the point.
Kind regards, @

30-ene-2006, 19:26
¿y quienes no sabemos inglés? no dais oportunidad de que nos enteremos, caray.

30-ene-2006, 20:12
¿y quienes no sabemos inglés? no dais oportunidad de que nos enteremos, caray.

¿Conoces esta página Magari'

Puedes traducir palabras sueltas o una pagina completa pasandole la dirección o url.

La traducción es un poco macarronica pero, a poca nocion que tengas, te va dando pistas de por donde va el tema.

30-ene-2006, 21:10
Lulo, me has salvado la vida! bueno, casi... :)

31-ene-2006, 01:48
me has salvado lulo gracias

31-ene-2006, 10:16
Se supone que este es el unico foro donde el unico idioma "oficial" y permitido es el ingles, para el español ya teneis el resto, no? ;)

31-ene-2006, 11:36

no entiendo en concreto, porque, -- pero pelagus ha criticado el sr. john rhodes, muy fuerte- a lo mejor ella ha visto, el sr. rhodes en mac donut???
si me visita otra vez voy a preguntar la--pero vale,
--dale comida al traductor, animo y lo siento, q el traductor automatico habla las lenguas un poco raro, si me preguntais--

Before i put the interview, i would like to say that i am really shocked. This guy spreads lies & it is already difficult for people to understand what being fruitarian is, so if people of that kind get popular... then they confuse everyone. The same as the people called "vegetarian" but who eat fish!
Anyway, here is the interview...

Interview with a Fruitarian Harry Mather interviews John Rhodes, Vegan Views 70 (Autumn 1995)

More and more people nowadays are turning to Raw Food eating and Fruitarianism. So we thought we would ask John Rhodes, who has been on this diet for over 12 years what he eats and why.

If you were not born vegetarian, what made you become one?

I was not born vegetarian. I became vegetarian after reading three volumes of 'Zen Macrobiotics' by George Ohsawa. This led me to recognise the possibility of diet as a route to self-awareness or a path toward a more natural way of life, as in Anna Yoga (Yoga of Food), the Chinese Tao, and Buddhist teachings.

I became vegan soon after realizing the misguided and maybe unconscious brutality of the dairy industry. I remained vegan for about 24 years during which time I met fruitarian and fruitarian influenced people. These people demonstrated to me that fruitarianism is possible.

How did you become fruitarian and how long ago?

I became fruitarian after absorbing these various influences and with the help and guidance of a long term fruitarian in 1982 after reading an article by Leslie Kenton: 'Seven days to make you a new women'!! My sex didn't change but my philosophy did! This article spelt out clearly the many nutritional advantages in following a fruitarian type lifestyle. My fruitarian friends had explained the ethical and environmental reasons.

I was also influenced by Dr. Barbara Moore who walked great distances on a fruitarian diet (Land's End to John O'Groats!) and Dick Gregory who was doing similar things in the USA.

What is your definition of "Fruitarian"?

"Feeder on Fruit" (Oxford English Dictionary). Fruit is defined as 'plant or tree's edible product of seed with its envelope'.

So this definition could encompass everything from pulses, grains, seeds, nuts through to tomatoes, cucumbers, blackberries, rosehips, cherries, apples, etc. I believe, as Wilfred Crone does, that it is important not to be fanatical about this way of eating. I would exclude vegetables, alcohol and as far as possible those stimulants which excite or unbalance the mind or nervous system and believe it or not, there could be several of those within the Fruitarian diet.

Many fruitarians feel that the ideal is to move away from eating seeds to eating the surrounding fruit alone.

Why do you feel the need to go beyond veganism, which most people regard as the ultimate in Compassion. Is it for health or is there more to it?

For the Northern countries of the world Veganism is a huge step forward. The influence of Indian philosophy in the 1960s and the influence of the Environmental movement now make this an ideal time for veganism, Vegetarianism and Fruitarianism to spread. Fruitarianism attracted me because: You don't have to cook food, thereby saving energy and vitamins! Washing up is easy (no greasy plates or greasy tummy upsets!).

It encourages reforestation of the planet and respect for the providers of those products that you might find in your local Oxfam shop, like Brazil nuts or cashew nuts. A tree is clearly capable of producing a far greater harvest than plants occupying the same area.

Permaculture combines trees and plants in an environmentally friendly way, but perhaps the most successful provider of food is nature itself when free of human interference and misguided greed.

Dick Gregory has stated that he feels the fruit diet is the closest a diet comes to perfection, 'because it comes closest to body chemistry. Your body is 97 per cent liquid against 3 per cent solid, and fruit tends to have more water in it than anything else! This water is much finer than even spring water, it is like the whole fruit itself, easily digested and assimilated by the human body; it is rich in vitamins and minerals, a living food, vital and beautiful.' Fruit is given in abundance by trees and plants and there is no need to harm them when we gather this harvest.

To quote Dick Gregory again when asked by an interviewer: "In your 'Natural Diet' book you point out that in the antebellum South, the master and his family lived on the choicest cuts of meat whereas the slaves, drawing on their African heritage, lived on organic fruits and vegetables, with only an occasional sliver of meat. Do you think they were healthier than the master by virtue of this diet?" Dick Gregory answered: "In many respects they were physically, mentally. They had to be strong to withstand slavery".

I heard a statistic recently that astonished and heartened me, that this country, per head of population is second only to India in the number of vegetarians it has. I believe this is part of an inevitable movement towards a more fruit based diet. Experiments performed on plants have proven that they respond to human thought. Biodynamic gardeners have demonstrated that plants are directly influenced by the lunar cycle. It may sound odd to suggest that plants have a right to existence too, but we should also remember that by the wholesale destruction of rainforest to produce grass for grazing cattle or for the monocropping of plants, that we upset the balance of nature and wind up injuring ourselves. We need these trees, mixed woodland is preferable to mono-forestation, mono-forestation preferable to mono-crops, mono-crops preferable to desert; but once the loggers arrive and the chain-saws start their deadly work, one thing very quickly leads to another.

What foods form the mainstay of your diet?

I live on whatever fruit are available to me at any given moment. Wild fruits seem to have the highest energy giving levels - Hydroponically grown greenhouse fruits grown partly or wholly by artificial light the lowest energy levels. My preference now is for wild native fruits. I have eaten and probably will do so again in the future, cooked seeds because it takes so long to learn certain lessons!!

There may be a need to supplement with other foods. The principle ones that might from time to time concern me would be: Minerals Kelp or Dulse seaweed (ie iodine) but be careful where it comes from as the Irish Sea is the most Radioactive in the world! Vitamin B12 this is manufactured in the lower intestine but absorbed in the upper intestine. If our habits are very clean we may not be able to get it. Some additional source could be needed. Vitamin D Following experiments, Vit.D is thought to be contained in Avocado pears. Growing children have a far greater requirement of this vitamin, so supplementation would be advised, possibly with calcium.

I have heard that oil (olive oil for instance) will create its own vitamin D if left in direct sunlight.

Could you survive on food that can be grown in this country only or do you need (or long for) foods from hotter climates?

Given the constraints of city life and a low income, I would find it hard to live entirely on food grown in this country, but with good storage facilities and the freedom to experiment, I am sure it can be done, and would be clearly preferable for health, the environment and Third World exploitation. Apples used to be stored for up to two years by the ancient mariner explorers!

Do you find it expensive?

I have found that with determination (i.e. shopping around when time permits) I can survive well below the national poverty level but within the boundaries set out: accepting that fruit encompasses everything from pulses to apples.

Are you happy with the way food is produced (e.g. picked when unripe, being irradiated)?

There are some terrible things happening now to our food. All food is being affected. Fruit is being irradiated along with potatoes, grain and almost everything may be affected. People who eat meat might be interested to know that oil recovered from the public sewage system is being added to cattle feed and being fed to cattle!

It may take a while to figure out the difference between ripe and unripe fruit, but bearing in mind that shops prefer unripe to ripe, the chances are that the ripe stuff tends to be sold off cheaper!

Is your family also fruitarian?

My own family are vegan and my 'in-laws' are vegetarian

31-ene-2006, 12:02
Se supone que este es el unico foro donde el unico idioma "oficial" y permitido es el ingles, para el español ya teneis el resto, no? ;)
ok Vegetalex, so, just a joke: what are you doing writing spanish here?;) We have to make an effort and wellcome english writers and try to comunicate with them in english or at least in spaninglish.

best regards.

31-ene-2006, 18:55
ok Vegetalex, so, just a joke: what are you doing writing spanish here?;) We have to make an effort and wellcome english writers and try to comunicate with them in english or at least in spaninglish.

best regards.

dear lulo, there is a film called spanglish or so.., anyhow we try our best-

today i was sad that i made a mistake in the headline, i had been writing plazer, instead of placer, it is a shame, but it was stored allready, when i saw, that i had been writing it wrong- your translation machine is quite funny, but useful enough to understand something- at least we want to communicate and learn more every day- i hope that the spanish people will conserve their beautiful simplicity, during the industrialisation- and globalisation- process, because they are so nice and elemental with a etremely funny sence of humor- for that reason stay spanish, like your forfathers and eldest grand-parents, because they are so pure, if you are spanish--

y otra cosa- i had been reading, that you are a sportsman, deportista-
where are youi living? may be we meet one day, that would be cool- :)

01-feb-2006, 10:10
Hi frugivoro:
I know this kind of people you refer to, my parents for example, but I'm afraid than we're turnning to Europe's way of life, may be globalisation.
When > 60 years old spanish people will die I think than the Spain you talk about will dissapear. This people comes from a rural environment and they can see life from this point of view than we can't.

And second, yes I'm a runner, I run half marathon popular races and I'm planning run my first marathon early, I'm now living in Zaragoza.

best regards

01-feb-2006, 10:51
Hi frugivoro:
I know this kind of people you refer to, my parents for example, but I'm afraid than we're turnning to Europe's way of life, may be globalisation.
When > 60 years old spanish people will die I think than the Spain you talk about will dissapear. This people comes from a rural environment and they can see life from this point of view than we can't.

And second, yes I'm a runner, I run half marathon popular races and I'm planning run my first marathon early, I'm now living in Zaragoza.

best regards

hi lulo, marathon is quite tough, with the hard roads, but i guess, that you know, how to do it good, as successful you are-

may be we should try to conserve the old spanish stile and way, because globalisation is only interesting, if we keep our old cultures alive, because we don´t want to end up like global robots, without connection to the ground- to be spanishmeans to me to be original- far away from useless fashions, be well, and take care,

02-feb-2006, 10:28
ok Vegetalex, so, just a joke: what are you doing writing spanish here?;) We have to make an effort and wellcome english writers and try to comunicate with them in english or at least in spaninglish.

best regards.

I was about to move this thread away from this forum, but finally decided to leave it as an example of what NOT to do ;)

Anyway you good fellas started to write in english so keep this thread GROWING ;)

02-feb-2006, 14:45
Empezado por Lulo
ok Vegetalex, so, just a joke: what are you doing writing spanish here? We have to make an effort and wellcome english writers and try to comunicate with them in english or at least in spaninglish.

best regards.

I was about to move this thread away from this forum, but finally decided to leave it as an example of what NOT to do

Anyway you good fellas started to write in english so keep this thread GROWING

sorry i did not want to hurt you-

08-feb-2006, 09:54
No way! ;) U're welcome.

27-nov-2006, 21:42
Hola Lulo! No hablas nada de español? Me gustaría escribirme con un inglés, necesito aprender inglés!
soy vegetariana desde que nací, mis padres ya lo eran, puedo hablar de cualquier tema, menos de futbol, me gustaría entablar una amistad contigo... un saludo, maria

Patricia Miranda
28-nov-2006, 01:45
I like to call myself a raw vegan eater
me gusta llamarme una persona que come vegano crudo.

si quieren mas informacion en raw food go to rawpleasure.com

another very good web page is rawfamily.com
this is about the Boutenko family going raw from Russia originaly then they moved to USA they have wonderful books that will help people in raw eating and how the best way to do it.
Tambien pueden ir a DrGraham web page and also Frederik Patenaude.

I eat all kind of plant food, fruits, plenty of greens, some seeds, nuts,
Here in this part of the wporld summer is stgarting so it is so good for a raw vegan food eater.

28-nov-2006, 07:57
Hi, I agree with Vegetalex.
We must keep this post alive because it's worth an English-speaking forum to be in touch with people from other countries. Besides, it is a good chance for all of us who study and love the language of Shakespeare to practice and improve our level. So, thanks for this.
Kindly, R;)

Patricia Miranda
13-ene-2007, 07:39
I like to say that eating plant and vegetables is great
being raw vegan is wonderful

07-jun-2007, 21:33
what do you know about getting fruitarian?

First of all , the human is not a carnivore -- he is a frugivore, his system and eating apparatuses show that to be quite clear. However, during the last ice-age, we could not find adequate food and so we eat each other and other animals to survive. Though we have refrained of late from eating each other, we still eat other animals, which was actually passed down to us from our ancestors. The greatest trait of the human animal is his will to survive, so our ancestors can not be blamed for doing what they had to do to survive. After the ice receded and vegetation was made available to us, we did not know by that time that that is what we used to eat so we continued the practice of eating animals. Conditioning! Now that we know better, now we can go back to eating as the human element was designed to eat by discarding the conditioned thinking of eating other animals.

I mostly agree with that but i want to go further:

I guess, fruitarians had been existing since fruits are on the planet.

For that reason i believe, that humans had been on earth long before the intercontinental separation.

I mislike to believe some sientists in babie-shoes..

juan manuel rojas
19-jul-2007, 20:09
My dear friend.I agree totally wth you but in this chat only a few are well educated but we are ready to learn from you includig me and would be able to maintain a correspondence with you, most of them are interested in knowing the good qualities of onion, lemon etc most of them are vegetarians because health problem not like me that for too many years am sportman and vegetarian as well as all my friends, daughter etc etc good luck juan manuel rojas

20-jul-2007, 02:18
Juan Manuel;

Good choice, you have a perfect idea. This space could be used to express ourselves. In this ship (forum) there are more captains than sailors, je, je.
I appreciated your arguments. I admire people who are not afraid of being
rejected by his ideologies. Good vibes!

Have my respect, gentlemen…

Patricia Miranda
21-jul-2007, 03:52
It is interesting explanation about the reason why humans are eating meat. It makes a lot of sense as people needed to survive. But now many people in the world just get theri food from the supermarket.
Juan Manuel Rojas with a lot of respect your comment sounds very patronising and disrespectful of many in this forum, in saying only a few in this chat are well educated.
You don·t know that about other people, you will be surprise to know that most people have a lot of knowledge.
And so it is of great importance to know why humans have made a habit to eat meat and like many habits it is very difficult to break.
Some of us that decided to be frugivore or raw foodist have done it after a lot of thinking, yes probably it was a bit of a health issue, when like in my case there is a history of diabetic. Myself did not had that illness but I started to question why in my family there were so many with that problem. Plus although for most of my adult life I had been a very slim person then suddenly in my 50s I started to put on weight and no matter what I did not loose the kilos. Previously I had joined a health fitness company Weight Watchers and with the knowledge that most diets in the end don·t work I decided to investigate this issue.
I was lucky to have found in my local Library a book by Leslie Kenton on raw Eating and that sent me in the journey of raw education.
Later I was lucky to have read the books by Viktoria Boutenko, Frederik Patenaude, David Wolfe, Dr Doug Graham and Anne Wigmore
I come also from a father that has been a sportman a Rugby player until his 52 years and has done a lot of martial arts classes and had look after his health.
I have found that being only a vegetarian did not helped me in loosing weight or with many health issues that one may start having as one passes the age of 50.
To make this story short and now being a woman in my mid 50s to the surprise of my doctor my health and well being is like a woman in her 30s and now in my family one of my sister that had diabetic and follows some of my advice is healthy and free of diabetic.
Juan Manuel you will be surprise how many sporman are not healthy people. Some of them have to looked for alternatives and if you read that some of the best sportmen in the US have sought the knowledge of Dr Doug Graham to improve in their fitness and overal health.
Dr Doug Graham is a fruigivore and vegan raw foodist, if you look in the internet you can be better well educated about this interesting man.
my kind regards to you all.

juan manuel rojas
17-ago-2007, 14:26
My friend Lulo. I agree totally with you i am also 80 per cent raw frugivorous but in few weeks i will become totally frugivorous, Thanks to raw fruit eating habits i fight malaria, and tiphoidea in Africa also i was taking in India Varanasi Cholera and in both cases i was my own doctor i just doing fasting and takng mineral water, but from nw i promise you i will become pure frugivorous person as i know it will be in benefit of animals, enviorement and mankind and of course myself health thanks lulo

juan manuel rojas
17-ago-2007, 14:34
Juan Manuel;

Good choice, you have a perfect idea. This space could be used to express ourselves. In this ship (forum) there are more captains than sailors, je, je.
I appreciated your arguments. I admire people who are not afraid of being
rejected by his ideologies. Good vibes!

Have my respect, gentlemen…
ALBITA thanks a lot you are so nice and gentle sensible that i agree and respect you so much, that is truth here is easier for me to express my feelings and probably people will understand me better thanks a lot

juan manuel rojas
17-ago-2007, 14:41
Patricia.This time i did not said people understand or not English anyway they are my brothers and school still is there. For me understand English was a sacrify to go to England at my 19 years old age.Anyway i agree with you and i am ready to continue learning as my life is learning of course i will see Dr.Graham books thanks a lot

juan manuel rojas
17-ago-2007, 15:48
ALBITA thanks a lot you are so nice and gentle sensible that i agree and respect you so much, that is truth here is easier for me to express my feelings and probably people will understand me better thanks a lot
Albita you are very sensible lady in the most of my speaking i am in a position to love women,children and elders and when i was speaking in the spanish forum about countries misbehaving with little children,women and elders most of them did not understood me.So my target is to tell to the world wich country to avoid because bad manners against little children,elders and women.Some countries says they are spiritual,safe,non violence good Gods and this is not truth we should avoid going this liers countries, i love all the world but i hate lying,cheating and damaging to others specially to women,children and elders

17-ago-2007, 16:09
My dear friend.I agree totally wth you but in this chat only a few are well educated but we are ready to learn from you includig me and would be able to maintain a correspondence with you, most of them are interested in knowing the good qualities of onion, lemon etc most of them are vegetarians because health problem not like me that for too many years am sportman and vegetarian as well as all my friends, daughter etc etc good luck juan manuel rojas

I hope you find here people understand you better, perphaps in english you`ll have better luck! :eek:

I think is not only problem of education. Look the way you say what you try explain.

Have a nice day!

juan manuel rojas
17-ago-2007, 17:18
I hope you find here people understand you better, perphaps in english you`ll have better luck! :eek:

I think is not only problem of education. Look the way you say what you try explain.

Have a nice day!

Sujal Obviously people who speak lenguages means probably they have travel more and in this issue also means probably they have more experiences about different cultures, nevertheles i always try to love humankind specialy those who are weak phisically and psichologicaly thanks

17-ago-2007, 21:25
Oh my God! Juan Manuel, it´s dificult to me speak (and write, of course) in english! We must travel and know others cultures, but is not necesary for open ours minds a little more or learn others languajes.

juan manuel rojas
18-ago-2007, 09:57
Oh my God! Juan Manuel, it´s dificult to me speak (and write, of course) in english! We must travel and know others cultures, but is not necesary for open ours minds a little more or learn others languajes.
Sujal you said in spanish "la injusticia,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,etc I am speaking to the whole world about a country that injustice is normal, but here in vegetarian forum most of the people are only interested in lettuce and tomatoes, to be veg is not only eating , we should complain to the whole world about injustice and i am lucky as today i found FHE forum in spanish FORO HUMANISTA Y EDUCACION there this people even if they are non veg ,they are wonderful people and i know they will understand me quite well, My talking about "false veg and wonderful non veg" was closed by susanamaria because i was complainig agaisnt injustice in a very bad country, that is not nice., and no good for future travellers.