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30-jun-2008, 15:22
I am currently trying to find Spanish products that are not tested on animals, shampoo, shower gel, razors etc etc but I am finding it really hard.
A few Mercadona products have the "not tested on animals" on them but not for the things I want - can anyone help me to compile a list of cruelty free products please.
It is very frustrating.

30-jun-2008, 20:11
Hi there :D
Well... I was doing the same thing here on Venezuela but I noticed that products are all tested :mad: So I made my reserach and I found that rawvegans actually dont use anything of this stuff, so I barely use soap, for instance I use a very hard towel to exfoliate my skin and my hair doesnt need shampoo anymore and guess what? It looks better and healthier than before!:D

30-jun-2008, 21:46
and isn´t your head itchy?

30-jun-2008, 22:08
Not at all. In this case a person told me: "You are going to be itchy for a few weeks, this is probably the adjustment period" And he was right! :D
A friend actually asked me: What shampoo are you using? You have a lovely hair :D :D :D :D
I use a comb to remove the dead particles of the scalp and thats it.

30-jun-2008, 22:15
A very interesting thing, and what do you use for the body?

30-jun-2008, 22:23
Some cheap soap that doest have much chemicals just for under the arms and intimate parts :D
But for the rest of the body I use a hard towel. I took this idea from macrobiotics. His pioneer George Oshawa recommends that after the shower you should use the towel for the entire body so you can be exfoaliated.
Before the towel experiment I had a very dry skin and now is glowing :D
Im not saying this is the answer but it works very well for me :)
I do use deodorant by the way :p

01-jul-2008, 09:19
Thanks for the replies.
The main things I am looking for is shampoo, shower gel, deodorant for my hubby (I use crystal rock deodorant and LOVE it!) and razor blades.
I currently get things ordered from the UK that I know and trust to be vegan as well as cruelty free - but I can no longer afford to do this. My local health food shop sells eco cruelty free cleaning products which is GREAT, but....

I caught the sticky post in the "Restaurantes, Cafés y Tiendas" forum here and noticed there are products listed in there which I will have to investigate properly as there were a few discrepancies. For instance the Body Shop is listed as cruelty free, which is true - they do NOT test their products on animals, BUT they are owned by L'oreal who DO test on animals and I don't want to give my money to any such company. The same is true of Mabeylline and Ecover. Ecover have been struck off the Vegan Society's list as their products are tested on water fleas and rabbit blood.

So I want to make absolute sure before I buy any products...and I gotta be quick 'cos I'm running out of shampoo....FAST!

01-jul-2008, 10:26
They test their products on rabbits blood? :eek: :eek: :eek: Bloody hell!:mad:

01-jul-2008, 12:26
A refusal to agree a cut-off date for animal testing has left green cleaning brand Ecover stripped of its Vegan Society logo, according to a recent joint statement.

The Belgian company's biodegradable and phosphate-free products - which include washing-up liquid, washing powder and more - are tested on water fleas and rabbit blood to detect danger, respectively, to aquatic life and human skin.

While the EU definition of animal testing doesn't include invertebrates such as water fleas, the Vegan Society's founding criteria does.

The main sticking point between the charity and eco cleaning business was Ecover's refusal to submit to a cut-off date for specific products to be free of animal-tested products.

Instead, the green cleaning co is continuing a 'five year rolling rule' that means although it pledges not to use today's animal-tested ingredients in its products for the next five years, it could theoretically include them in 2013.

full story here (

Obviously Ecover's main concern and role is providing green cleaning products and solutions. They are not mainly a vegan thinking company they are an environmental friendly thinking company.
I know the Vegan Society has strict rules that companies must abide by and adhere to in order to be allowed to display the Vegan Society logo on their products, it's one of the reasons I love them and trust them so much.

02-jul-2008, 12:20
Its a sad thing they use animals for testing rather than testing the product on themselves :(
Hope you find what you`re looking for ;)

02-jul-2008, 16:44

Try Naetura, they have very good products and they just added new lines so you might find what you are looking for. For more info:

02-jul-2008, 17:21
What a fantastic site chikitran!!
Thank you SOOOOOO much.

Aren't they expensive!!
My budget really couldn't cover 10 euro for a bottle of shampoo......not at the moment anyway.

Thanks again though (don't want to sound ungrateful)

02-jul-2008, 18:10
10 Euros? :p Oh boy...

02-jul-2008, 19:00
Are Aveda products easy to buy in Spain?
Do places like Carrefour sell their products does anyone know?
I've not seen them in my local Mercadona or anywhere else for that matter.

02-jul-2008, 19:16
Hi there :D
Well... I was doing the same thing here on Venezuela but I noticed that products are all tested :mad: So I made my reserach and I found that rawvegans actually dont use anything of this stuff, so I barely use soap, for instance I use a very hard towel to exfoliate my skin and my hair doesnt need shampoo anymore and guess what? It looks better and healthier than before!:D

You said you don't use shampoo?? :eek: You just wash it with water? And how often? Some time ago, I tried not to wash it for 3 days because it was really dry and had split ends and it looked really great, although it was kind of itchy and oily at the roots :o That is the longest I've ever spent without shampooing.

02-jul-2008, 19:18
By the way, I use shampoo AlbertoVO5 since in the bottle says "Not tested on animals"

02-jul-2008, 19:32
You said you don't use shampoo?? :eek: You just wash it with water? And how often? Some time ago, I tried not to wash it for 3 days because it was really dry and had split ends and it looked really great, although it was kind of itchy and oily at the roots :o That is the longest I've ever spent without shampooing.

I take a bath every morning and I use a comb to remove dead particles from the scalp. The combing I do it twice a day but one is actually fine. Yes it tends to be oily and itchy at the beginnig. The itchy thing is because you are so used to the shampooing that your scalp sort of needs it, but after three weeks the itchyness is completely gone. Look at it like the "detox" momment, tho I dont like this word. The oily thing is... well... oily is something made up by the media... I just accept my hair the way it is and not how hollywood tells me how should I "wear" it. After a while your hair notice that he doesnt need to release so much oil because you are not removing it constantly with shampoo. I believe is kinda easier for mens not to use shampoo but for womans must be really a challenge :p you truly think that nature made us to be shampooing ourselves? ^^

02-jul-2008, 20:19
Hola! te escribo en castellano y asi practicas! :) el desodorante mineral yo lo ecuentro en los herbolarios, salvo en los que son muy pequenhos...y de lo demas hay por ahi un hilo con muchos productos veganos que puedes encontrar en espanha. ahora lo busco y te lo agrego. un saludo!!

02-jul-2008, 20:22

pues aqui tienes muchas cosas, espero que te ayude! Yo estoy al reves que tu. En inglaterra, y buscando que marcas, para mi desconocidas, que no experimentan etc...

02-jul-2008, 20:25
y aqui tienes esta lista,

quiza muy extensa (algunas marcas yo no las conozco) Y que yo sepa, los productos de Mercadona de la marca Deliplus no estan experimentados en animales tampoco.

02-jul-2008, 21:18
Sounds interesting. It makes sense that the hair releases oil depending on how often you shampoo. I don't know if I ever dare to try not shampooing for three weeks :D

02-jul-2008, 21:26
You are welcomed :) I made the switch slowly, first I stoped using shampoo and used soft soap every two days, then I stoped using the soap and that was it :)

03-jul-2008, 09:30
Thanks paulveg - that's exactly the kind of list I was looking for!
I have read on the forum about Mercadona Deliplus not being tested on animals and the reason the "not tested on animals" isn't on ALL the products is because, where ommited, it is old stock.
Am I right to presume that they are slowly introducing all new stock to carry this label?

03-jul-2008, 14:32

You can find Naetura products in Alcampo and Carrefour.. much cheaper than on the website!! They are excellent products and are worth every euro. Can't wait to go to Spain to stock up!!!