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Tema: The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Compassionate Living Without Sacrifice

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    The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Compassionate Living Without Sacrifice
    The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Compassionate Living Without Sacrifice

    By Erik Marcus

    I’ve decided to make my Ultimate Vegan Guide available for free online reading, since I would hate to think that anyone interested in eating fewer animal products might be hindered by the cost of learning how to do it. That said, if you’d like a printed copy, you can support my work by ordering it through My book Meat Market: Animals, Ethics, & Money might also be of interest to you.
    And if you like my books, you’ll almost certainly enjoy my daily blog. You can subscribe to my blog, email list, and podcast on this page. Now, with that preliminary information out of the way, the following links will offer you the unabridged text of my book. Enjoy!
    The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Contents

    Part I: Why?

    1—Health and the Environment
    2—The Ethics of Animal Agribusiness
    Part II How?

    3—Crowding, Not Cutting
    5—Vegan Nutrition
    6—Eat More Produce
    7—Should vs. Must
    8—The Mental Game
    9—Celebrating Your Progress
    10—The Counterculture
    11—Supermarket Survival
    12—Natural Food Stores
    13—Farmers’ Markets
    14—Online Groceries
    15—Non-Vegetarian Restaurants
    16—Veggie Restaurants
    17—International Travel
    18—Convenience Foods
    19—Meat, Dairy, & Egg Replacements
    20—Outfitting Your Kitchen
    21—Core Foods: Smoothies & Sandwiches
    22—More Core Foods: Salads, Stir-Fries, & Grilled Veggies
    24—Animal Ingredients
    25—Friends & Family
    26—Staying Motivated
    III Activism

    27—Basic Activism & Outreach

    A: Advanced Activism
    B: Books, Websites, & Nonprofits
    C: Vegan-Friendly Beers
    D: Cashew Cheese
    Ni toda la oscuridad del mundo podrá acabar con la luz de una sola vela

    Los motivos para ser vegan@:

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    Talking Libros veganos

    me encanto lo que encontre en esta direccion

    de verdad que es todo muy cierto, tengo aprox 2 anios de ser vegana y todo en mi vida ha mejorado increiblemente, sin embargo, sigo pensando que a mucha gente se le hace dificil, ademas de que no hay demasiada informacion en espanol para ofrecer... :eing:
    Si hubiese una version de este libro en espanol, o algun otro que me recomendaran, se los agradeceria

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