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Tema: Declaraciones sobre veg*ismo de deportistas en el mundo

  1. #41
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
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    Mac Danzig

    Es un profesional de las artes marciales mixtas e instructor estadounidense, y ha sido campeón peso ligero de las organizaciones de artes marciales mixtas King of the Cage y Gladiator Challenge. Fue el Extreme Challenge Trials 2001 U.S. MMA National Champion (Campeón Nacional de Artes Marciales Mixtas en el Extreme Challenge Trials de 2001, en Estados Unidos) en la categoría ligera.[1] También fue el campeón de The Ultimate Fighter 6, y actualmente esta contratado por la Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).

    Su estilo de lucha es Jiu-Jitsu brasileño y boxeo.


    GnP: Ich habe auf Wikipedia gelesen, daß du Veganer bist. Stimmt das und wenn ja, wie schaffst du es,
    dich ausgewogen und kalorienreich genug zu ernähren?

    MD: Stimmt, ich ernähre mich fast komplett veganisch. Mit Kalorien habe ich kein Problem. Was mir hilft, sind die Masse an Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln für veganische Sportler, die es vor fünf bis sechs Jahren noch nicht gegeben hat. Dafür verzichte ich auf Sojaprotein und verwende lieber Reisprotein. Das enthält alle Aminosäuren, die zur Erholung des Körpers notwendig sind. Ich esse viel braunen Reis, Gemüse, Hafermehl und Tofu und fühle mich sehr gut damit. Und unter uns: Ohne diese Art der Ernährung würde ich es auch nicht schaffen, mein Gewicht bequem auf 70kg zu reduzieren.
    GnP: I read on Wikipedia that you are a vegan. If that is true, how do you make sure your nutrition is balanced and containing enough energy?

    MD: Yes, my diet is pretty much full vegan. I have no problem with energy. One thing that helps is that there are now
    a lot of supplements out there for vegan athletes that weren't available just 5 or 6 years ago. I stay away from soy
    protein as a supplement and instead use rice protein, which contains all of the amino acids nessesary for recovery.
    I eat alot of brown rice, vegetables, oatmeal and tofu. I feel great with my diet and I wouldn't be able to cut to 155 comfortably without it.

    What are your favorite vegan foods generally, and what do you eat when you’re training?

    When I’m not in training, I eat Soy Delicious ice cream and vegan chocolate chip cookies like they’re going out of style. There’s also some awesome vegan restaurants out here in L.A., like Native Foods, that have great vegan pizza. When I’m in training, I eat a lot of brown rice, tofu, oatmeal, and of course lots of vegetables and fruit.


    What would you say to fans who are thinking about going vegetarian but don’t know where to start?

    I would have to tell them that it’s easier than you think. … I think one of the best first actions for someone who is taking baby steps towards vegetarianism is eliminating all dairy products. Too many people quit eating all meats and then overload themselves with cheese and dairy to compensate. Then they wonder why they feel worse than they did before. I say quit dairy and eat a lot of grains and vegetables, then it will become apparent soon enough that you do not need any other animal product either.

    What is your message to young people who are just learning about animal rights?

    If you truly care about animal rights and have a passion for it, take some action. Whether it’s hands-on or political, just go for it. No matter what path you choose in life or what you decide to do, you can use your voice to educate other people and help the cause. … Speak with confidence about what you believe in and don’t try to change people by force. Instead, educate them whenever they seem curious about animal rights or being vegetarian. Not everybody outside of the scene is evil—many of them are just ignorant and may actually turn over a new leaf if you help show them how. Just remember that life is too short to wait. Get out there and volunteer, check out all the programs PETA has on the Web site. There’s hardly anything more rewarding than helping an animal who needs it.

    Otra entrevista traducida en el blog Bosque de Fresnos.

  2. #42
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
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    Molly Cameron

    Su presentación:

    Molly Cameron is North America's worst European Cyclocross racer, the founder of the Veloshop (a very small bicycle shop located in downtown Portland, Oregon) and, a proud Vegan.


    When and why did you choose to stop eating animal products?

    When I turned 15 or 16 I realized that I did not have to eat meat, so I stopped. I went Vegan the same year I got in to bike racing: 1999. I was living in San Francisco and started racing on the track and lived with a bunch of vegans. To be honest, I never really liked eating animal products. It was just always in stuff I would eat. Y'know: burritos have cheese, pizza has cheese. But once I was surrounded by people who showed me that there were options, I stopped eating animal products right away. I was really motivated to start taking responsibility for what I put in my body.

    2.What has been your experience as a vegan athlete? Have you noticed any performance or health benefits or problems?

    Certainly no problems. If anything, eating organic and whole food keeps my energy level and mental focus consistent. It is the logical step when living a super active and conscious lifestyle. Sometimes you have a hard time finding truly healthy vegan food on the road but, you can always hit a grocery store and whip something up.

    3.Have teammates and other athletes been supportive or critical?

    My teammates are totally supportive, friends and people that race for my shop will show up at races with vegan cookies and will always bring a vegan dish to Veloshop potlucks. My peers, other pro racers and coaches have been critical. 'What do you eat?' 'Where do you get your protein?' I get that stuff a lot.

    4.Most memorable results or achievements (top 5)

    I've been an Oregon state champ a couple times, I won a couple of cyclocross races last fall (2005) and a XC mountain bike race too! I placed 3rd at the Alpenrose Velodrome Challenge points race. That was pretty cool, I was totally the underdog in the race and I hung in to get on the podium. I had a great season last year and now that I am focusing exclusively on Cyclocross I am looking forward to an exciting fall.

    5.Why did you join OA's PRO-Activist team?

    What better way to represent for the vegans out there? It is pretty exciting that OA exists. There was nothing like this when I began exploring veganism. Plus, I get to look tough in my Organic Athlete t-shirt.


  3. #43
    Usuari@ expert@
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    aqui un lista de veganos deportistas todo en ingles lo siento

  4. #44
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de Teresa
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    Uno de los mejores hilos qe he visto en un foro en mi vida! Gracias chavales
    Ay ojalá pudiera estar yo en esa lista!
    Bueno yo siempre he querido estar musculosa

  5. #45
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
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    Cita Iniciado por August Rush Ver mensaje
    Seguro que hay vegetarianos de esos...
    justamente yo hice un video en youtube donde se muestran muchisisisisismos atletas y deportistas vegetarianos y veganos de todo tipo...
    cilcistas, fisicoculturistas, corredores, y más..

    Checalo!. ^^ aqui te dejo el link:
    Gracias August. Voy pasando algunos por aquí:

    Rob Bigwood

    Rob Bigwood es Luchador de Brazos y vegano. Vive en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

    Tiene un blog donde promociona el estilo de vida sano vegetariano y la Lucha de Brazos profesional:



  6. #46
    TW: @LaNordin Avatar de AllanChef
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    Risottoland - Venezuela
    Recuerdo que hace un par de años había debates foreros sobre si Mac Danzig era vegano realmente, algnos decían que lo hacía solo durante ciertos periodos pero quien sabe...

  7. #47
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
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    Adam Myerson

    Ciclista vegetariano, profesional y entrenador desde hace mucho tiempo, Adam Myerson, presidente de Ciclo-Smart, escribió varios artículos hace unos años en una serie llamada, "el atleta vegetariano."

    Hay muchas razones por qué las personas se vuelven vegetarianos o veganos: salud morales, éticos, ambientales, financieros. La intención de este artículo no es debatir sobre los méritos del vegetarianismo en cualquiera de estos motivos, no voy a hacer un caso que la dieta vegetariana es superior, o que te hará más rápido. No sé si cualquiera de esas cosas son ciertas. El objetivo es simplemente reconocer que hay más gente que nunca dispuesta a elegir una dieta vegetariano o casi vegetariana por cualquier razón, y con este artículo voy a tratar de ofrecer algunas directrices prácticas específicas y sugerencias de cómo ser un atleta vegetariano de éxito. Yo no soy un nutricionista, un filósofo o científico, así que no voy a escribir desde cualquiera de esas perspectivas. En su lugar voy a tratar de ofrecer algunos consejos sólidos desde el punto de referencia de un entrenador experimentado y atleta vegano.


    Usted es un vegetariano? ¿Cómo se puede obtener la proteína suficiente?

    Para empezar, la mayoría de la gente simplemente no necesitan tanta proteína como cree. He dicho en mis artículos antes que usted puede encontrar un estudio publicado para probar cualquier cosa que quieras, pero el consenso general es que un atleta de resistencia requiere sólo de 1 g de proteína por kg de peso corporal. Para un ciclista de 75 kg que consume 2000 calorías al día, es un 15% de proteínas, un porcentaje mínimo muy fácilmente alcanzable con una dieta vegetariana. Una persona sedentaria requiere sólo 20-40 gramos de proteína por día, mientras que la dieta estadounidense promedio al parecer, contiene 90-120 gramos de proteína por día. Supongo que la mayoría de los ciclistas consumen más de 2000 calorías al día, lo que hace aún más fácil alcanzar los gramos de proteína mínimo necesario.

    El vegetarianismo tiene una cierta reputación en la comunidad deportiva que te va a hacer más débil o enfermo. La mayor parte de la reputación proviene de primeras experiencias de la gente que dejó de comer carne y se enfermó y se sentía débil. La razón principal de los nuevos vegetarianos que pasaron por esa experiencia es porque tratan de definir y restringir sus dietas por lo que deben recortar de la misma, en lugar de lo que añadir. El suministro de alimentos de América se configura en torno a una norma. Esta norma incluye la carne como fuente de nutrientes principales. Si intenta comer fuera de la norma, no se puede simplemente cortar la carne y seguir comiendo el resto de la oferta de alimentos normativa. Me refiero a por ejemplo "peanut butter and jelly vegetarian" Sabes lo que no se debe comer, pero no lo que comer en su lugar.

    Los frijoles y el arroz son probablemente las fuentes más populares de proteína no cárnica, pero hago hincapié en que sea menos, porque es una obviedad. Barato, comida mexicana saludable está en todas partes, y creo que incluso la mayoría de los vegetarianos principiantes aprende rápidamente sobre el concepto de la combinación de las fuentes de proteína de carne para crear "proteínas completas" que tienen todos los aminoácidos esenciales. Este concepto es en realidad un mito porque todas las fuentes de proteínas vegetales contienen todos los aminoácidos esenciales, pero en distintos niveles. Un alimento con "proteína incompleta" no está desprovista de un aminoácido, puede simplemente tener una cantidad menor de ella. Por lo tanto, no es imposible obtener las proteínas completas de las fuentes de una sola planta, pero puede hacerlo más eficientemente por la combinación de alimentos complementarios. Cereales y leguminosas (a menudo en forma de frijol y arroz) es la combinación más común. Además, no es necesario, contrariamente al mito mismo, que sean consumidos en la misma comida. Los aminoácidos se encuentran disponibles en la sangre durante muchas horas después de comer. Mientras que los ácidos aminados complementarios aparezcan en la siguiente comida o dos de ese día, el cuerpo tendrá lo que necesita para hacer la proteína.


    Para leer más, aquí.

  8. #48
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
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    Scott Jurek

    Scott en el NewYork Times:


    It’s a long day, and one that raises a particular aspect of Jurek’s training that makes him an especially interesting athlete: he is a vegan, consuming no animal products.

    There are other professional athletes who do not eat meat: Milwaukee Brewers first baseman Prince Fielder, a vegetarian, may be the best known, and the hockey player Georges Laraque is also a vegan. But it is difficult for some to comprehend how this lifestyle is compatible with training weeks of 140 miles and more, “easy” runs of 40 miles and interval training that includes uphill three-mile repeats, all culminating in races that are often 100 miles or more, sometimes through deserts or frozen wastelands or up and down mountains.

    Jurek certainly looks healthy enough. He is tall, dwarfing most competitive marathoners, not rail thin, with a quick smile and boundless energy. A few hours after our morning run, he showed up at my house and began pulling things out of the refrigerator and pantry with abandon: vegetables, greens, herbs, miso, tofu, olives, shallots, lemons, nut butter and more.

    He displayed knife skills and good culinary judgment, preparing a meal for me and his girlfriend, Jenny Uehisa, a designer for Patagonia (he is sponsored by Brooks Sports). We ate a Greek salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, loads of olives and seaweed; a stir-fry of vegetables with tofu and a miso and cashew sauce; and a mound of quinoa.

    Where did he learn to cook this way? And more to the point, how does he survive? After all, I said to him, none of my running buddies, a group of nonelite but defiantly dedicated marathoners who train in Central Park, maintain as rigorous a schedule as his, and many claim to have trouble consuming enough calories even while being omnivorous.

    “The whole issue,” he said, “is exactly that: getting enough calories. The first thing to worry about isn’t so much what you eat, but how much you eat. You have to take the time to sit at the table and make sure your calorie count is high enough. And when you’re a vegan, to increase your calories as you increase training you need more food. This isn’t an elimination diet but an inclusion diet.”

    Jurek grew up in Proctor, Minn., eating cookie dough, canned vegetables and his share of fast food. When his mother, Lynn, developed multiple sclerosis (she died this spring), he and his siblings began cooking, but the food was, he said, “very Midwest — meat and potatoes.” In college, his diet began to improve, and as he “saw how much disease is lifestyle related,” he began eating “real food, eating the way people have been eating for thousands of years.”

    He made the transition to less meat and more fish, then eventually knocked out dairy and other animal products entirely.

    “It’s really a mental barrier,” he said, and he obviously has experience overcoming those. He said he needed 5,000 to 8,000 calories a day, “and I get that all from plant sources. It’s not hard, either. I like to eat, and I don’t have to worry about weight management. All I need is a high-carbohydrate diet with enough protein and fat.”

    He said he spent a great deal of time shopping, preparing and cooking food — and chewing. He is among the slowest and most deliberate eaters I know, and there is something about his determination at the table that is reminiscent of his determination on the road: he just doesn’t stop.

    He focuses on three main meals. Breakfast is key: it might be a 1,000-calorie smoothie, with oil, almonds, bananas, blueberries, salt, vanilla, dried coconut, a few dates and maybe brown rice protein powder. Unless he is doing a long run, which for him is seven hours, or about 50 miles, he eats after his first workout. Lunch and dinner are huge salads, whole grains, potatoes and sweet potatoes, and usually beans of some sort or a tempeh-tofu combination.

    Scott Jurek ate cookie dough, canned vegetables and fast food as a youngster, but in college his diet began to improve. Eventually, he dropped dairy and other animal products entirely.
    “None of this is weird,” he said. “If you go back 300 or 400 years, meat was reserved for special occasions, and those people were working hard. Remember, almost every long-distance runner turns into a vegan while they’re racing, anyway — you can’t digest fat or protein very well.”

    Jurek said he hated running when he was in high school, enduring it only to stay in shape for skiing. But when he was 20, a friend persuaded him to try a marathon. He finished in less than three hours, good for second place and astonishing for a novice. By 1999, he ran his first Western States 100. Formally called the Western States Endurance Run, this is an up-and-down course in the Sierra Nevada with a cutoff time of 30 hours. He set the course record in 2004, 15 hours 36 minutes; won the race seven consecutive times; and in 2005, two weeks after finishing, ran and won the Badwater Ultramarathon, a 135-mile race that begins in Death Valley and ends halfway up Mount Whitney.

    Looking back, he wondered, “Where was my mind?”

    Which brings us to an obvious question: What is Scott Jurek trying to prove? Of the few thousand Americans who consider themselves ultramarathoners, most would be happy just qualifying for Western States, and most of those would be ecstatic to finish before the cutoff.

    Jurek, having proved himself in dozens of off-road races, is focused on the 24-hour record and looking forward to the flat race, “an environment where it’s just me and the clock and the road under my feet.”

    After that, he would like to run — and win — the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, an ultramarathon in the Alps at a distance of just over 100 miles; the record is a little more than 20 hours. His best finish was 18th, and he dropped out twice, so it’s a serious challenge.

    “I haven’t had a great race there,” he said. “But though I want to win, the running is a vehicle for self-discovery. I’ve been racing for 15 years, but I feel like I’m still at my peak.”

    Evidently, it isn’t his diet that’s slowing him down.

  9. #49
    A pedir de Milhouse Avatar de Sakic
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    A Coruña
    8000 calorias! joder, es una central termica con patas...

  10. #50
    August Rush
    para mi, el mejor es Andreas Cahling...

    Última edición por August Rush; 19-may-2010 a las 03:56

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