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Tema: Hunting the Innocent: a poem about the plight of foxes - by John O Dwyer

  1. #1

    Hunting the Innocent: a poem about the plight of foxes - by John O Dwyer

    From the ICABS (Irish Council Against Blood Sports) June-July newsletter:

    04. Hunting the Innocent: a poem about the plight of foxes

    Read "Hunting the Innocent", a powerful poem by Cashel-based songwriter,
    John O Dwyer. The poem conveys the suffering and desperation from the
    fox's perspective and illustrates the constant struggle for survival
    faced by these wonderful creatures.

    Hunting The Innocent
    by John O Dwyer

    I'm one of God's creatures and deserve to be free
    To live my life in harmony
    To run wild through the fields of green
    Without been chased o'er hill and stream
    To be hunted down and torn apart
    For the pleasure of your cruel dark heart
    What manner of creature hunts not for food
    But for sport when you feel the mood
    What kind of beast could you be
    To kill one as innocent as me
    I hunt to survive to keep young alive
    No dogs no gun nor killing for fun
    But dozens of men on horse back ride
    Across the country to where I hide
    Snarling dogs with sharpened teeth
    And prancing hoofs I run beneath
    To lead away from my den
    To save my cubs from angry men
    I'm tired but keep on running
    To live this day I must be cunning
    Through bramble and brier, down rocky slope
    The day it darkens I see some hope
    Just keep on moving, stay ahead
    And pray that bullets of dreaded lead
    Don't pierce my flesh and shatter bone
    Just keep on moving I'll make it home
    The night has come they've turned around
    They've heard the call of the bugle sound
    Worn down and out of breath
    Once more I've cheated death
    How long more will it be my fate
    To keep me safe from these men of hate
    Forever more I must strive
    To teach my cubs to survive
    To outwit the beast called man
    Just do the best I can
    Just do the best I can
    From the fox

    Thanks to John O Dwyer for permission to reproduce the poem. Find out
    more about him and listen to his music at:

    ¿No distingues lo que soy?
    Soy una gallinita ponedora, esclava, hacinada, muy débil, mi cabecita cae hacia mi izquierda, y la bola que ves entre mi crestita, mi piquito y mi barbilla, es mi ojo hiper-hinchado. La oscura y fría cárcel ha sido mi única vivienda desde el día en que nací, y todos los días sufro inmensamente y lloro por dentro. Aprecia tu libertad, yo no tengo ese tesoro.
    <---- click enlace

    No participes en el holocausto, ¡HAZTE VEGANX!

    Recetas veganas:

  2. #2
    a very moving poem, thanks for posting it.
    i was a hunt saboteur for many years in england, pre- and post-ban. from the fox's perspective, nothing has changed :-(

  3. #3
    No problem Bob, thank you for being a saboteur, I wish I had been when I lived in England... Hunters in England are no better than bullfighters here, they're neanderthals, savages with no respect for anybody's life: the foxes', the dogs', the horses', or the saboteurs', with deaths occurring on all sides, including the saboteurs, at the bloody hunters' hands. Such a disgrace.

    A pleasure to meet you.

    ¿No distingues lo que soy?
    Soy una gallinita ponedora, esclava, hacinada, muy débil, mi cabecita cae hacia mi izquierda, y la bola que ves entre mi crestita, mi piquito y mi barbilla, es mi ojo hiper-hinchado. La oscura y fría cárcel ha sido mi única vivienda desde el día en que nací, y todos los días sufro inmensamente y lloro por dentro. Aprecia tu libertad, yo no tengo ese tesoro.
    <---- click enlace

    No participes en el holocausto, ¡HAZTE VEGANX!

    Recetas veganas:

  4. #4
    ah, so you're well-acquainted with the "sport" of hunting with hounds.
    it's maybe a little consolation that there are still sabs saving lives every week, august-march, even if it's a small number compared to the foxes that die. when i left sabbing, saving lives was still the priority, along with getting video evidence of the foxhunts clearly breaking the law.

    strange fact: before hunting was banned, local police forces could afford £1000/hour to fly a helicopter above the hunt to ensure the saboteurs did not go onto private land.

    now, after the ban, the police say they don't have enough money or resources to enforce the law

    anyway... igualmente, encantado! where did you live in england?

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