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Tema: what do you know about getting fruitarian?

  1. #21
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de albita10
    Fecha de ingreso
    Oregón, USA
    Juan Manuel;

    Good choice, you have a perfect idea. This space could be used to express ourselves. In this ship (forum) there are more captains than sailors, je, je.
    I appreciated your arguments. I admire people who are not afraid of being
    rejected by his ideologies. Good vibes!

    Have my respect, gentlemen…

  2. #22
    Patricia Ester
    Fecha de ingreso
    Launceston Tasmania
    It is interesting explanation about the reason why humans are eating meat. It makes a lot of sense as people needed to survive. But now many people in the world just get theri food from the supermarket.
    Juan Manuel Rojas with a lot of respect your comment sounds very patronising and disrespectful of many in this forum, in saying only a few in this chat are well educated.
    You don·t know that about other people, you will be surprise to know that most people have a lot of knowledge.
    And so it is of great importance to know why humans have made a habit to eat meat and like many habits it is very difficult to break.
    Some of us that decided to be frugivore or raw foodist have done it after a lot of thinking, yes probably it was a bit of a health issue, when like in my case there is a history of diabetic. Myself did not had that illness but I started to question why in my family there were so many with that problem. Plus although for most of my adult life I had been a very slim person then suddenly in my 50s I started to put on weight and no matter what I did not loose the kilos. Previously I had joined a health fitness company Weight Watchers and with the knowledge that most diets in the end don·t work I decided to investigate this issue.
    I was lucky to have found in my local Library a book by Leslie Kenton on raw Eating and that sent me in the journey of raw education.
    Later I was lucky to have read the books by Viktoria Boutenko, Frederik Patenaude, David Wolfe, Dr Doug Graham and Anne Wigmore
    I come also from a father that has been a sportman a Rugby player until his 52 years and has done a lot of martial arts classes and had look after his health.
    I have found that being only a vegetarian did not helped me in loosing weight or with many health issues that one may start having as one passes the age of 50.
    To make this story short and now being a woman in my mid 50s to the surprise of my doctor my health and well being is like a woman in her 30s and now in my family one of my sister that had diabetic and follows some of my advice is healthy and free of diabetic.
    Juan Manuel you will be surprise how many sporman are not healthy people. Some of them have to looked for alternatives and if you read that some of the best sportmen in the US have sought the knowledge of Dr Doug Graham to improve in their fitness and overal health.
    Dr Doug Graham is a fruigivore and vegan raw foodist, if you look in the internet you can be better well educated about this interesting man.
    my kind regards to you all.

  3. #23
    My friend Lulo. I agree totally with you i am also 80 per cent raw frugivorous but in few weeks i will become totally frugivorous, Thanks to raw fruit eating habits i fight malaria, and tiphoidea in Africa also i was taking in India Varanasi Cholera and in both cases i was my own doctor i just doing fasting and takng mineral water, but from nw i promise you i will become pure frugivorous person as i know it will be in benefit of animals, enviorement and mankind and of course myself health thanks lulo

  4. #24

    Albita you are so nice and sensible is very difficult....

    Cita Iniciado por albita10
    Juan Manuel;

    Good choice, you have a perfect idea. This space could be used to express ourselves. In this ship (forum) there are more captains than sailors, je, je.
    I appreciated your arguments. I admire people who are not afraid of being
    rejected by his ideologies. Good vibes!

    Have my respect, gentlemen…
    ALBITA thanks a lot you are so nice and gentle sensible that i agree and respect you so much, that is truth here is easier for me to express my feelings and probably people will understand me better thanks a lot
    Última edición por juan manuel rojas; 17-ago-2007 a las 13:41

  5. #25
    Patricia.This time i did not said people understand or not English anyway they are my brothers and school still is there. For me understand English was a sacrify to go to England at my 19 years old age.Anyway i agree with you and i am ready to continue learning as my life is learning of course i will see Dr.Graham books thanks a lot

  6. #26

    helping and loving our brothers

    Cita Iniciado por juan manuel rojas
    ALBITA thanks a lot you are so nice and gentle sensible that i agree and respect you so much, that is truth here is easier for me to express my feelings and probably people will understand me better thanks a lot
    Albita you are very sensible lady in the most of my speaking i am in a position to love women,children and elders and when i was speaking in the spanish forum about countries misbehaving with little children,women and elders most of them did not understood me.So my target is to tell to the world wich country to avoid because bad manners against little children,elders and women.Some countries says they are spiritual,safe,non violence good Gods and this is not truth we should avoid going this liers countries, i love all the world but i hate lying,cheating and damaging to others specially to women,children and elders

  7. #27
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
    Fecha de ingreso
    Cita Iniciado por juan manuel rojas
    My dear friend.I agree totally wth you but in this chat only a few are well educated but we are ready to learn from you includig me and would be able to maintain a correspondence with you, most of them are interested in knowing the good qualities of onion, lemon etc most of them are vegetarians because health problem not like me that for too many years am sportman and vegetarian as well as all my friends, daughter etc etc good luck juan manuel rojas
    I hope you find here people understand you better, perphaps in english you`ll have better luck!

    I think is not only problem of education. Look the way you say what you try explain.

    Have a nice day!

  8. #28

    They will understand

    Cita Iniciado por sujal
    I hope you find here people understand you better, perphaps in english you`ll have better luck!

    I think is not only problem of education. Look the way you say what you try explain.

    Have a nice day!
    Sujal Obviously people who speak lenguages means probably they have travel more and in this issue also means probably they have more experiences about different cultures, nevertheles i always try to love humankind specialy those who are weak phisically and psichologicaly thanks

  9. #29
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
    Fecha de ingreso
    Oh my God! Juan Manuel, it´s dificult to me speak (and write, of course) in english! We must travel and know others cultures, but is not necesary for open ours minds a little more or learn others languajes.

  10. #30

    Veg forum is not only for eating it also should be for idealist

    Cita Iniciado por sujal
    Oh my God! Juan Manuel, it´s dificult to me speak (and write, of course) in english! We must travel and know others cultures, but is not necesary for open ours minds a little more or learn others languajes.
    Sujal you said in spanish "la injusticia,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,etc I am speaking to the whole world about a country that injustice is normal, but here in vegetarian forum most of the people are only interested in lettuce and tomatoes, to be veg is not only eating , we should complain to the whole world about injustice and i am lucky as today i found FHE forum in spanish FORO HUMANISTA Y EDUCACION there this people even if they are non veg ,they are wonderful people and i know they will understand me quite well, My talking about "false veg and wonderful non veg" was closed by susanamaria because i was complainig agaisnt injustice in a very bad country, that is not nice., and no good for future travellers.

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