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Tema: Veganism, feminism, and weapons of massive DISTRACTION

  1. #1
    Animal humano Avatar de veganauta
    Fecha de ingreso

    Veganism, feminism, and weapons of massive DISTRACTION

    I'd love to see something like this in our prime time TV shows, despite I've not TV at home
    ...en el brezal, el rey Lear le preguntó a Gloucester: ¿cómo ves el mundo?, y Gloucester, que era ciego, respondió: lo veo con el sentimiento...
    ...lo veo con el sentimiento.

  2. #2
    Recién llegad@...
    Fecha de ingreso
    I usually check the RT news channels since at least you can get a different view on the issues around the world (out of the mainstream media).

    Thank you for sharing and congratulations on no having a TV (I should do the same indeed).

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