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Tema: Why Hitler Was Not A Vegetarian

  1. #11
    Cita Iniciado por Mad doctor Ver mensaje
    You can also find a lot of bibliography stating just the opposite findings...

    This is really irrelevant anyway.
    You're absolutely right, of course it's irrelevant (at least to us it is), but if it can give some people arguments, answers of some kind to those annoying feckers who insist on going on and on about sodding Hitler, well, why not.

    I personally prefer to list the amount of mass murderers who are or were meat eaters (ie, all of them), and if the Hitler argument means to them that all veggies are bad, or that being veg is nuts (excuse the pun), then surely the murdering dictators who ate meat also represent 'normal' meat eaters, end of argument. Sod them, I don't really care what they think or say, but I'm sure some people would like to be able to deny it with some facts to support them.

    ¿No distingues lo que soy?
    Soy una gallinita ponedora, esclava, hacinada, muy débil, mi cabecita cae hacia mi izquierda, y la bola que ves entre mi crestita, mi piquito y mi barbilla, es mi ojo hiper-hinchado. La oscura y fría cárcel ha sido mi única vivienda desde el día en que nací, y todos los días sufro inmensamente y lloro por dentro. Aprecia tu libertad, yo no tengo ese tesoro.
    <---- click enlace

    No participes en el holocausto, ¡HAZTE VEGANX!

    Recetas veganas: CreatiVegan.net

  2. #12
    August Rush
    he was never a vegetarian...
    I read sometime that he just used to eat less meat

  3. #13
    heal the world - go vegan Avatar de La Vegana
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    actualmente en Alemania (Maguncia)
    Cita Iniciado por August Rush Ver mensaje
    he was never a vegetarian...
    I read sometime that he just used to eat less meat
    No, he was never a vegetarian.I have not read all the postings, but i think he had health problems if he has eaten much meat.Therefore he has eaten little meat, but one says he had a weakness for Weisswürste ("white sausages") from Bavaria...
    Última edición por La Vegana; 25-ago-2010 a las 01:05
    saludos La Vegana
    Por favor, ten paciencia conmigo; mi español no es bueno, pero estoy aprendiendo el idioma
    La pregunta no es pueden razonar,
    ni pueden hablar, sino pueden sufrir

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