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Tema: Great Article in the Wall Street Journal by Jonathan Safran Foer

  1. #1

    Great Article in the Wall Street Journal by Jonathan Safran Foer

  2. #2
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
    Fecha de ingreso
    The French, who love their dogs, sometimes eat their horses.

    The Spanish, who love their horses, sometimes eat their cows.

    The Indians, who love their cows, sometimes eat their dogs.

  3. #3
    mediocabrona proud member Avatar de arweny
    Fecha de ingreso
    First, kill a medium-sized dog, then burn off the fur over a hot fire. Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later (may be used in other recipes). Cut meat into 1" cubes. Marinate meat in mixture of vinegar, peppercorn, salt, and garlic for 2 hours. Fry meat in oil using a large wok over an open fire, then add onions and chopped pineapple and sauté until tender. Pour in tomato sauce and boiling water, add green pepper, bay leaf, and Tabasco. Cover and simmer over warm coals until meat is tender. Blend in purée of dog's liver and cook for additional 5–7 minutes.

  4. #4
    veggie lover Avatar de alexmacias
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    Aguascalientes, México
    Interesting article. I didn't use to be aware of that, but there is really NO difference between eating a cow and eating your dog or your cat. Animals are animals and they have a right to exist, just as much as we do.
    "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." — Thomas A. Edison

  5. #5
    Exactly Alex. I think he does a great job of putting things in perspective and making those people who say they love their dogs and then have chicken for dinner look quite incoherent!!

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