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Tema: what do you know about getting fruitarian?

  1. #11
    Cita Iniciado por Lulo
    Hi frugivoro:
    I know this kind of people you refer to, my parents for example, but I'm afraid than we're turnning to Europe's way of life, may be globalisation.
    When > 60 years old spanish people will die I think than the Spain you talk about will dissapear. This people comes from a rural environment and they can see life from this point of view than we can't.

    And second, yes I'm a runner, I run half marathon popular races and I'm planning run my first marathon early, I'm now living in Zaragoza.

    best regards
    hi lulo, marathon is quite tough, with the hard roads, but i guess, that you know, how to do it good, as successful you are-

    may be we should try to conserve the old spanish stile and way, because globalisation is only interesting, if we keep our old cultures alive, because we don´t want to end up like global robots, without connection to the ground- to be spanishmeans to me to be original- far away from useless fashions, be well, and take care,

    haga se su voluntad

  2. #12
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de Vegetalex
    Fecha de ingreso
    Cita Iniciado por Lulo
    ok Vegetalex, so, just a joke: what are you doing writing spanish here? We have to make an effort and wellcome english writers and try to comunicate with them in english or at least in spaninglish.

    best regards.
    I was about to move this thread away from this forum, but finally decided to leave it as an example of what NOT to do

    Anyway you good fellas started to write in english so keep this thread GROWING

  3. #13
    Empezado por Lulo
    ok Vegetalex, so, just a joke: what are you doing writing spanish here? We have to make an effort and wellcome english writers and try to comunicate with them in english or at least in spaninglish.

    best regards.

    I was about to move this thread away from this forum, but finally decided to leave it as an example of what NOT to do

    Anyway you good fellas started to write in english so keep this thread GROWING

    sorry i did not want to hurt you-
    Última edición por frugivoro; 05-feb-2006 a las 03:35

    haga se su voluntad

  4. #14
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de Vegetalex
    Fecha de ingreso
    No way! U're welcome.

  5. #15
    Recién llegad@...
    Fecha de ingreso
    en la provincia de alicante

    Wink busco un profesor de inglés!

    Hola Lulo! No hablas nada de español? Me gustaría escribirme con un inglés, necesito aprender inglés!
    soy vegetariana desde que nací, mis padres ya lo eran, puedo hablar de cualquier tema, menos de futbol, me gustaría entablar una amistad contigo... un saludo, maria

  6. #16
    Patricia Ester
    Fecha de ingreso
    Launceston Tasmania
    I like to call myself a raw vegan eater
    me gusta llamarme una persona que come vegano crudo.

    si quieren mas informacion en raw food go to rawpleasure.com

    another very good web page is rawfamily.com
    this is about the Boutenko family going raw from Russia originaly then they moved to USA they have wonderful books that will help people in raw eating and how the best way to do it.
    Tambien pueden ir a DrGraham web page and also Frederik Patenaude.

    I eat all kind of plant food, fruits, plenty of greens, some seeds, nuts,
    Here in this part of the wporld summer is stgarting so it is so good for a raw vegan food eater.

  7. #17
    Hi, I agree with Vegetalex.
    We must keep this post alive because it's worth an English-speaking forum to be in touch with people from other countries. Besides, it is a good chance for all of us who study and love the language of Shakespeare to practice and improve our level. So, thanks for this.
    Kindly, R

  8. #18
    Patricia Ester
    Fecha de ingreso
    Launceston Tasmania
    I like to say that eating plant and vegetables is great
    being raw vegan is wonderful

  9. #19
    what do you know about getting fruitarian?

    First of all , the human is not a carnivore -- he is a frugivore, his system and eating apparatuses show that to be quite clear. However, during the last ice-age, we could not find adequate food and so we eat each other and other animals to survive. Though we have refrained of late from eating each other, we still eat other animals, which was actually passed down to us from our ancestors. The greatest trait of the human animal is his will to survive, so our ancestors can not be blamed for doing what they had to do to survive. After the ice receded and vegetation was made available to us, we did not know by that time that that is what we used to eat so we continued the practice of eating animals. Conditioning! Now that we know better, now we can go back to eating as the human element was designed to eat by discarding the conditioned thinking of eating other animals.

    I mostly agree with that but i want to go further:

    I guess, fruitarians had been existing since fruits are on the planet.

    For that reason i believe, that humans had been on earth long before the intercontinental separation.

    I mislike to believe some sientists in babie-shoes..

    haga se su voluntad

  10. #20
    My dear friend.I agree totally wth you but in this chat only a few are well educated but we are ready to learn from you includig me and would be able to maintain a correspondence with you, most of them are interested in knowing the good qualities of onion, lemon etc most of them are vegetarians because health problem not like me that for too many years am sportman and vegetarian as well as all my friends, daughter etc etc good luck juan manuel rojas
    Última edición por juan manuel rojas; 27-jul-2007 a las 14:14

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