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Tema: Relación entre dieta baja en proteínas y control de la hipertensión arterial

  1. #1
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
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    Relación entre dieta baja en proteínas y control de la hipertensión arterial

    Relationship between low-protein diet and hypertension control(2008)

    Cianciaruso B.

    Cattedra di Nefrologia, Università degli Studi Federico II, Via Pansini 5, Naples, Italy.

    Arterial hypertension is found in almost all patients with chronic kidney disease. The US Kidney Foundation guidelines recommend a pressure target for chronic kidney disease patients (130/80 mmHg) that may be difficult to reach because of the reduced sodium excretion in these patients and the widespread use of vasodilator drugs. Reducing the dietary protein intake may help to lower the dietary sodium load. The 130/80 mmHg target has been reached in 30% of stage 4 and 5 patients only after six months of a very low-protein diet supplemented with keto-analogues and essential amino acids. However, even moderate reductions of dietary sodium intake are useful in patients with compromised renal function, as was shown by Koomans et al more than 20 years ago. Blood pressure levels are lower in vegetarians, possibly also because of the reduced sodium content of potassium-rich vegetarian diets. Diets rich in unrefined cereals, vegetables, fruit and low-fat cheese may be useful in patients with chronic kidney disease. Commercial low-protein preparations may help to design diets that are both low in sodium, potassium and phosphorus and adequate for caloric needs.

    PMID: 18828131 [PubMed - in process]

    La hipertensión arterial se encuentra en casi todos los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica.(...) Reducir la ingesta de proteínas de la dieta puede ayudar a reducir la carga dietética de sodio (...) Los niveles de presión arterial son más bajos en los vegetarianos, posiblemente también a causa de la reducción del contenido en sodio de las dietas vegetarianas ricas en potasio. Dietas ricas en cereales no refinados, verduras, frutas y queso bajo en grasa puede ser beneficioso en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica.

  2. #2
    Usuari@ expert@ Avatar de sujal
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    Hipertensión en embarazo

    Diets rich in vegetables and physical activity are associated with a decreased risk of pregnancy induced hypertension among rural women from Kimpese, DR Congo. (2008)

    Longo-Mbenza B, Tshimanga KB, Buassa-bu-Tsumbu B, Kabangu MJ.
    Division of Cardiology, University of Kinshasa, DR Congo.

    BACKGROUND: To assess whether the frequency pf pregnancy-induced hypertension is low, and vegetables intake and physical activity are protective against pregnancy-induced hypertension onset among rural women from Democratic republic of Congo. METHOD: This hospital-based and longitudinal study was carried out within the rural hospital of Kimpese, DR Congo were monitored from January 1st to March 31st 2003 on basis of demographic, diet, physical activity, anthropometry and blood pressure till the onset of types of pregnancy-induced hypertension and delivery.

    RESULTS: Out of 238 black pregnants, the incidence risk of arterial hypertension was 4.6% (n=11) whose 2.9% with Pre-Eclampsia and 1.7% with transient hypertension. Gestity, parity and birth weight of infants were significantly lower among hypertensive mothers, while positive family history and presence of oedemas were more elevated among hypertensive pregnants. The onset of Pre Eclampsia was higher within vendors and inactive women as well as among vegetarians (3.1%) than women with diet high in meat (9.7%). Pre Eclampsia occurred more (p<0.05) among pregnants with rare daily servings of vegetables (33.3%) than pregnants with 3 or more daily servings of vegetables (3.7%). Physical activity (RR=0.63 CI 95% 0.33 to 0.94) and > or = 3 daily servings of vegetables (RR=8.8 CI 95% 0.6 to 0.98) were significant (p<0.01) protective factors against PreEclampsia. Eclampsia was not observed.

    CONCLUSION: It is timely to promote diet rich in vegetables overweight reduction and physical activity among pregnants for the prevention of pregnancy-induced hypertension.

    PMID: 18788250 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    Conclusión: Es oportuno promover la dieta rica en verduras reducir el sobrepeso y la actividad física entre las gestantes para la prevención de la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo.

  3. #3
    cordobita Avatar de alfonsi
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    cordobesa afincada en toledo
    He ido el día 15 y 20 al médico a hacerme una pruebas de alergia a los medicamentos; me han tomado la tensión arterial los dos días y la he tenido igual 9/6 ; la enfermera se quedó y me dijo que muy, muy bien, que tenía un seguro de vida con esa tensión. Yo siempre la he tenido baja pero no tanto, por lo menos la alta.

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